October Writing Challenge Day 2: Lost

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Happy birthday, Rantaro!!! This story might be a day late but it's on his birthday sooo :3.

Shuichi felt his heart pounding out of his chest as he chased who he suspected to be the killer to a recent case of eight murders and six disappearances. The darkness caused by the new moon made the detectives sight useless, leading to him using all his other senses to safely run through the forest. The sound of crunching leaves and snapping branches faded as his suspect escaped into the night, leading to Shuichi coming to a slow stop.

While the detective caught his breath, he took the opportunity to look around. He didn't recognize anything and soon the sudden realization hit Shuichi like a ton of bricks. He was lost. The thought of actually being lost in the woods was enough to send the normally calm detective into a panic.

The thought of simply turning around and walking back in the direction he came brought some comfort until Shuichi remembered the random turns his suspect took. 'This can't be happening!' Shuichi thought to himself as he started walking back in a random direction. Pulling out his phone, Shuichi saw he got no signal, crushing whatever hope he had left of finding help. It also didn't help that it was past midnight and the detective thought back on Kiyo's ramblings on the Witching Hour.

The walk was long, Shuichi's feet stung from how much walking he was doing, when he came across another clearing he swore he must be hallucinating from sleep deprivation. There was a rather cute looking log cabin, a dim lamp burned on the front porch giving off a soft yellow glow. The windows were blocked by dark brown curtains but from what Shuichi could see, there was someone inside. Maybe they can help him get home!

Walking up to the old front oak door, Shuichi gave three resounding knocks on the weathered wood and waited. He saw from the window as whatever was the source of light was moving closer to the door, moments later a young man with soft wavy green hair and darker shade of green eyes opened the door.

"Hello? Who are you?" They asked and his voice seemed to lull Shuichi to a relaxed state.

"H-Hello, I'm detective Shuichi Saihara. I was wondering if you can help me? I got lost and I need to get back home, " Shuichi explained while shyly shifting his gaze away from the taller male.

"How about to stay for the might instead? It's too dark to safely walk through the forest, " The man offered a warm smile while stepping aside to allow Shuichi to step inside "I'm Rantaro by the way, Rantaro Amami, "

"It's nice to meet you Rantaro and thank you for helping me, " Shuichi smiled softly as he accepted the offer and stepped inside. It looked so cozy inside the cabin with a soft rug laid across the floor, an empty fireplace with some pictures and trinkets resting on the mantle, and a comfy looking couch resting a yard or two away from the fireplace. Shuichi couldn't help but feel safe.

"So detective, what were you doing in the forest during the middle of the night?" Rantaro asked while closing the door and looking over at Shuichi in curiosity.

"There has been a serial killer on the loose and one of the prime suspects of this case ran into the woods. I chased after them but I got myself lost at the same time, " Shuichi explained and already could feel the heat from an embarrassed blush form across his cheeks. The only answer he got was a nod and couldn't help but notice the slight glow to those dark green eyes.

"You must have run pretty far then, are you hungry?" Rantaro asked with a tilt of his head. Shuichi was about to answer no but his stomach betrayed him with a noticeable growl. "I'll take that as a yes, " Rantaro giggled as he walked past Shuichi and towards where Shuichi assumed was the kitchen and instinctively followed after Rantaro.

"What would you like? I got come apples, sandwiches, and some leftover rabbit, " Rantaro offered while opening the refrigerator. Inside Shuichi saw a glimpse of something red but passed it off as an apple.

"J-Just an apple please, " Shuichi shyly requested and Rantaro grabbed a shiny red apple and handed it to Shuichi who promptly thanked him. When he took a bite from the apple he tasted like a sugar bee apple, so sweet almost like candy! It didn't take long for Shuichi to finish the apple and threw the core in the trash.

Rantaro then lead the way back to the living room "Are you tired? If not I can stay up with you, " Rantaro offered while sitting down onto the couch. Shuichi noticed how he didn't feel tired, maybe his adrenaline was still in his system from earlier.

"I can stay up a bit longer, " Shuichi smiled as he sat down next to Rantaro. Everything was normal until Shuichi jolted when Rantaro suddenly wrapped his arms around his form and tugged him onto his lap. "R-Rantaro?!" Shuichi squeaked in surprise and his face turned a bright red when he felt lips on his neck. Instinctively Shuichi tried to push Rantaro away only to catch a glance at a mouth full of sharp teeth that weren't there before.

"Sorry about this, " Rantaro mumbled and before Shuichi could continue his struggles, the vampire sank his fangs into the soft flesh of his shoulder. It first felt like fire at first but soon the detective noticed a growing fuzz to his mind, he soon couldn't think straight as he's brought into a hypnotic trance. With the growing power of this trance, the pain seemed to be numbed as Rantaro fed off of Shuichi all the way to where he felt nothing. The last thing that he could remember happening was the feeling of fangs leaving his shoulder and the detective's world went black.

Shuichi having to deal with all these monsters xD

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