Little Brother Part 2 [Kokichi Ouma and Maki Harukawa]

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Guess who wanted to write comfort fluff mixed with some angst and pregame Kokichi, so quick warning this will contain some elements of bullying, just to give you guys a heads up!

Ever since Kokichi had arrived at the orphanage, he's been a hand full, constantly pulling pranks by the time he was old enough to talk and walk. That started to change when he started going to school, after the first semester the changes started to become noticeable, Kokichi started to become quieter, shying away from the other kids, and barely pulled any of his tricks anymore.

The first person to notice this, of course, was Maki, even though she's a few grades above Kokichi and normally worked on her homework and helping around the orphanage, she still noticed how Kokichi wasn't being himself.

It's only when Kokichi came home with a bruise on his cheek did Maki finally say something.

"Whos been hurting you Kokichi?" Maki stared down at Kokichi with a soft frown, as soon as she finished her question though Kokichi brushed his hair to hide the bruise.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, " He chirped with a fake smile he sensed Maki could see right through, she was the only one who could see through his lies.

"Kokichi, who has been hurting you?" Maki asked again in a more forceful tone and it seemed to make Kokichi shrink back before giving in.

"Some kids at school, " Kokichi admitted while focusing his gaze on the floor, he only looked up when Maki pulled him into a tight hug that made him squeak in surprise. It didn't take long for him to accept the hug while hiding his face in his big sister's shoulder.

The hug lasted for a few minutes, either party not wanting to let the other go but Kokichi was the one to pull away first. Maki then gently brushed his hair back and offered a comforting smile "Stay here and I'll get you an ice pack ok?" and with a small nod from Kokichi, Maki headed off to find an ice pack.

While getting the soothing cold pack, Maki asked the other kids in Kokichi's class about what was going on and for the names of the two main bullies, she recognizes both names of the two high school seniors who shouldn't even know who Kokichi is seeing he was still in middle school. She knew the two mostly loitered around town so it would be pure luck for her to find them but she was going to sit back and let them pick on her little brother.

Once back in Kokichi's room she held the ice pack to his cheek "Here, hold this there while I go take care of something ok?" thankfully Kokichi didn't question what Maki had to do while he held the ice pack to his cheek. With one last quick hug, Maki headed out to try and find the two teens that had the nerve to hurt Kokichi.


When Maki came back later that day, it was nearly dusk with the sun just barely hanging in the sky before its daily plummet behind the mountains. Maki, on the other hand, had a proud look in her eyes even though she was a bit scuffed up with her hair being tangled and a with scratches on her knuckles and knees but was not the worse for ware.

As soon as she stepped through the door, she was trapped in a tight hug by Kokichi. "Where did you go? What happened? Why are you hurt?!" Maki had to cover Kokichi's mouth to stop his string of endless questions.

"I'm ok Kokichi, I just had a little run-in with some people but I'm ok, " Maki offered a comforting smile to Kokichi and thankfully he nodded his head in understanding and Maki took her hand away. Kokichi then hid his head in Maki's shoulder and Maki couldn't help but pull him into a protective hug.

No one hurts her little brother and got away with it.

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