30| Coming Together

Start from the beginning

I turn around to see Damien staring back at me from the entrance. I blink once and he was gone. I stand still, looking around. I sigh as my heart rate increased at the sight of him; I'm seeing things. I quickly scout the area and wait for Ben to leave to make another round, sneaking upstairs when I get the chance. I close the door to the basement, leaning against the door and take a sigh of relief.

I walk into the front entrance to see Damien and Cain conversing in what seemed to be a serious conversation. They stop talking when I enter and both turn to face me. "Where have you been Aryah?" Cain asks strangely monotone. "Oh, I was just resting."

Nick enters turning the corner of the upstairs and takes a few steps down the stairs, slowing down when he sees the three of us standing and staring at him. My mouth gapes open and Cain's eyes widen when we notice his appearance. His eye was black, but not all bruising. It looked as if someone had injected him with a black liquid. From the right side of his neck, flowed up into his face spreading across to the left side, blending out as it gets farther away from the right, shooting out like lightening; black veins striking threw his face, accompanied by a blood shot sclera in his right eye. Analyn happens to walk in at this moment. Her feet hault as she looks up to say hello to everyone. "Oh my god! What the hell happened to you!?" She blurts out. Cain and I give each other a look then my eyes shift to Damien, who is already staring at me with a neutral expression. Cain sighs, knowing the cause of Nick's injury. "Did you get into another brawl?" Cain breaks the silence. Nick swallows the building up saliva in his mouth and looks over to Damien, flinching when he makes contact with Damien's glare, quickly shifting to the ground. "Y-yeah." His voice cracks as he readjusts his posture and clears his throat. Without saying anything else, he turns around and goes back up the stairs. "I'm going to make sure he's okay." Analyn runs after him. Damien turns around and leaves in the opposite direction.

Cain turns to me and narrows his eyes. "Do you know anything about that?" Asking the question but already knowing the answer. "I assume..." Cain sighs, "You assume right. No one but Damien or I could do that kind of damage. Here's hoping the kid isn't blind in one eye." My eyes widen at the thought. "Do you want to talk to him, or should I?" Cain continues. I run my hand down my face and volunteer to speak to Damien.

I follow Damien at a distance as he enters into the study. The more I think about it, the more it pisses me off that he hurt Nick so badly. That wasn't just a warning, he did damage. I walk into the study and slam the door behind me. "So that was smart." I throw my hands up, letting them fall, slapping against my legs. He turns and scowls at me. "I told you. I told you I would step in if you didn't take care of it." His words infuriate me. "I did take care of it! I told him to leave me alone!" Damien turns his body, squaring it to me, tilting his head and shoving his hands in his pockets. "You think he was going to?" I open my mouth to fight his response but I knew he was right. He wouldn't have stopped. "I can take care of myself. Stop hovering over me, making decisions for me." I look to the ground and tug on my sleeve. He takes a moment to allow my words to soak in. "Okay." He states simply. I look up to him staring at me blankly. "Okay?" I shake my head, confused and he shrugs. "Okay." He repeats. I look around, not sure how I feel about his answer. "Is... is he going to be okay?" He narrows his eyes slightly as he clenches and unclenches his jaw. "He'll be fine as long as he keeps his distance." My face drops into annoyance. "Really." Without changing his expression he turns around to face the fire.

Cain enters the room, taking a few steps in. "Dinners ready." I turn to Cain and nod. "Hey, after dinner, could I speak to you guys? I have a few things I want to discuss." Damien looks out of the corner of his eye over his shoulder and Cain pauses. A silence fills the room that I think was more awkward for me then them. "We can speak now if you like?" Cain suggests. I shake my head, "No, let's eat first. I'll see you downstairs." Cain nods at me. I look back to Damien who is still staring at the fire. I roll my eyes, walking passed Cain and exiting the room.

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