After Ryan took his pills and happily thanked Mike for everything he was doing for him, the deliveryman took off to his next stop, knocked two times on the door, and as he was about to knock a third time, the door flew open, revealing Chester with a big smile plastered on his face.

Even if the blonde had opened the door abruptly, he didn't open it wide, so Mike could only see half of his body, however, it was enough to notice that he was well-dressed. He had a black button up short-sleeved shirt and a pair of light blue ripped jeans. His hair was neatly spiked up and not all messy like every other time Mike had seen him. He couldn't deny that the other man looked attractive and even more now.

"Hi Mike, where's Ryan?" Chester asked as soon as he opened the door, almost jumping from excitement.

His smile soon faltered when he saw that the half Asian was alone and his eyes widened as deception clouded them, while his heart squeezed.

"Oh." He said, looking down. "You're alone."

Chester shook his head as he leaned his hand toward Mike, still not looking at him, waiting for his meds. He felt like a fool for dressing up so nicely for nothing.

Of course, Ryan didn't want to see him... after all, he must be busy now. Living a full life. He didn't need to see his old friend.

"Chester, wait, let me explain." Said Mike, as he pushed the door a bit so he could look at the young man better.

"N-no, it's okay, I understand." His gaze was still avoiding the half Asian and the latter shook his head.

"You don't understand. Ryan's happy to know that you're living close to him, he wants to see you this evening."

Chester's head lifted as he looked back at the deliveryman, his eyes hopeful again as he smiled. "Really? He wants to see me?"

"Yes, but there's a catch... He wants you to go to his place."

He waited for a reaction, but the blonde man didn't move, only his gaze seemed to suddenly get lost, and Mike understood that the young man was surely close to have a panic attack at the thought of going out.

"I'll go with you! I won't leave your side, I promise. I'll take you back home too."

Chester still looked too pale, even if his breathing had gotten better. It was something so unexpected; he felt his legs going weak and supported his hand on the wall. Going out was something he never wanted to do again. He would see people and that wasn't good at all. He would, for sure, panic and ruin their day. He wanted to enjoy his time with Ryan, not to fear it.

"Chester, it's gonna be okay. We are going after my office hour, I'll take you with my motorcycle, and we won't talk to anybody other than Ryan okay? We'll just stay inside his house." Mike quickly added, trying desperately to soothe the blonde.

"He won't come here? I can't see him unless I go out?" Chester's voice trembled as he thought about various different scenarios involving him and strangers.

"I'm afraid so." Mike smiled sympathetically. He was almost convinced that the older man wouldn't accept when he heard a bare whisper leave Chester's lips.

"O-okay. I'll go. But promise me you won't let anyone get near me." Chester said firmly.

"Sure, I promise. Here, take your meds." The half Asian handed him the paper cup and checked to see if he had swallowed it. "I'll pass here to pick you up at six pm, be ready by then!" the deliverer winked and grabbed his money before waving and walking away.


Mike looked at the time as he quit the drugstore. Something had come up at the last minute, Talinda needed to speak with him about changing meds for one of his clients, and he was grateful that he had told Chester that he could be there at six and not five thirty. He wouldn't have time to eat, but it didn't matter too much right now. The only thing that was important for Mike was to get Chester safely to Ryan's house.

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