28| Modelling Madness

Start from the beginning

"No one is going to care that we worked in clubs whilst in college or our early twenties. Stop making up excuses to not go through with the interview."

"How many times do I have to-" I was cut short when Josh reached forward and spun my stool to face him, his hips pushed dominantly between my slightly parted legs.

"You're going." His voice held no room for argument. Stubborn bastard.

"I am not," I glowered at him in a silent challenge. He took the bait. Before I could even try to protest his arms had wrapped around my torso, my waist flopping over his shoulder as he simply picked me up as though I weighed nothing.

"We'll see about that," Josh hummed before crouching to pick up my usual pair of vans, "Becky get her blue denim jacket from the top shelf of her dresser will you?" Josh continued to walk to the door with me thrown over his right shoulder, "make sure that it's the washed-out blue one as it makes her eyes stand out best".

I really tried to hate him in this moment but when he goes and says things like that it completely derails me...damn you Josh, he really is impossible to stay annoyed at.

"Of course," Becky told him, but before she turned into my bedroom she made eye contact with me, she gave me a sheepish smile and mouthed, 'sorry'.


Once we reached the doors leading to the outside of my apartment block, Josh spoke up to me, however it was hard to hear him over the overwhelming embarrassment I was currently experiencing- everyone was looking at us as though we were completely fucking nuts. I couldn't really blame them, Josh was carrying me like a limp sack thrown over his shoulder.

"You gonna play nice now Holl? If I let you down you have to promise not to hit me okay?" I could tell that Josh was enjoying every second of my embarrassment, he is too strong for his own good. Although I couldn't deny that I was enjoying the feel of his hard shoulder muscles beneath me...although I did wish that it was in a different context, maybe somewhere a little less public.

"Yes sir." I muttered under my breath as Josh dropped me back onto my feet, his eyes were glazed with...surprise?

"Say that again." He told me with a mischievous smile. Oh God. What have I just gotten myself into?

"Yes sir?" I cocked a surprised eyebrow at him but Josh simply stepped forward to open the passenger side door.

However before I could get into the passenger seat, Josh leaned forward to whisper, "I want you to remember that later." The door then slammed shut behind him. I was lost for words as I then continued to watch him walk around the hood of the car, sliding in at the drivers side.

"Tell me about the audition then," Josh pulled out of his parking space and onto the highway, his forearm resting against the window.

"I'm applying for an agency".

I watched him roll his eyes before replying, "Okay smart arse, what are you applying for?".

"It's a porno. You okay with that?" I challenged him, his head snapped towards me in record time, his eyes hard.

"You're joking right?"

I played along with the idea even though in reality it obviously wasn't a porno- but it was too good watching him freaking out like this.

"No, I thought Becky told you this?" I questioned him, trying to hide my smile.

"No she fucking didn't," Josh kept his eyes on the road without looking at me.

"I'm only doing it for the money so it's not like I know the guy or anything, you don't need to worry babe," I gave his hand a quick squeeze over the wheel however I couldn't help noticing how hard his hand was gripping onto it.

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