10 || to judge and the meaning of love

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[ judge: verb: form an opinion or conclusion about

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[ judge: verb: form an opinion or conclusion about.]

| F R A N C O|

I walked into the office, after the little exchange with Haven. I didn't know anything about her before, heck I didn't even think I knew she went to the same school. She's forever smiling and laughing, but yet behind the mask lied a girl who didn't want anyone to know how lonely and sad she really was. She spent lunches alone, writing poems of thoughts she was too afraid to voice, to be heard.

I sat down on the chair, the man typing away on his computer. "Your friend got the job, do you think you have what it takes?"

I was going to correct him, to say she wasn't my friend, but what good would that do? "I think I do." I calmly stated, and although I looked and sounded calm, my foot was bouncing from nerves.

"Alright, firstly, what's your name, young man?"

"Franco Chavez."

"Okay." He held his hands together, his elbows on the table. "Why do you want this job?"

"I think it would be a great experience to learn about the development of the newspaper and the overall process. As for the position that I want, I think it's pretty cool to be able to have a purpose and deliver the news."

"Good, Good." He hummed, writing down. "Okay, what made you leave your last job?"

"Nothing, per say." I started. "I didn't leave my last job, which means I would be doing two jobs simultaneously. It's just that a few of my shifts got cut off, and I'm financially broke." I shrugged.

"And why's that?" He quirked an eyebrow.

I gave him a confused look at his raised eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, why are you broke? Did your parents kick you out, or what?"

"No, they fucking didn't." I seethed, slamming my hand against the table. "Stop talking and judging me like you know me and my life, you're the interviewer, be a little more professional, alright?"

"My apologies, I'm sorry for assuming the situation you're in. Can we continue with the interview?"

I only nodded, my jaw clenching with anger. It took every last bit of me not to fucking punch the wall.

"What are your interests?"

I closed my eyes for a second, breathing through my nose, calming myself down. "I like the idea of exploring, finding and discovering new things, which is why I like the idea of space. No one really knows if there's life outside of earth. It kind of puts things into a different perspective, that we're not the only ones. I also like art, just sketches and painting."

The interviewer smiled brightly. "You've got the job."

"You've got to be shitting me." I shook his hand, and bade him farewell, leaving his office. I went into the waiting room, seeing Haven curled up into the chair, sleeping, snoring lightly. I figured she waited for me to finish my interview.

I walked forward and flicked her head a few times. "Hey, Haven, wake up." She woke up looking startled.

"Oh, I fell asleep." She said looking to the open magazine in her lap. She placed it back onto the table, running her fingers through her hair. "So, how'd it go?"

I shrugged, "I got it."

"That's great!" Haven went in for a high-five. I only stared at her and her hand, my eyes looking back and forth between the two. "Or not!" She exclaimed.

I strolled through the entryway, abandoning her standing figure before she quickly followed me, walking by my side. It was getting dark out, Junie should almost be out of the daycare by now.

Haven hummed, looking around the street, walking towards her car. "Are you going to walk home?"

"Yeah, bye," I said, swiftly turning around and walking, my hands in my pockets. I was probably halfway across the parking lot when I heard Haven yell.

"I could drive you home!" She yelled. "It isn't that far, right? Junie's probably waiting!"

"Fine, I'm only doing this for Junie." I snapped. She unlocked her car, opening the door, rearranging a few things before allowing me to sit inside.

"Sorry, it's such a mess." She referred to her car. I didn't have a car, so I didn't mind the mess. It was a nice blue car, with leather seating. Haven stared at herself in her car mirror, adjusting her hair. She turned on the ignition, as I gave directions to Junie's daycare.

"Junie loves you." I felt the need to fill in the silence.

"Many do." She glanced at me when the car came to a stop at the red light, smiling slightly.

We neared Junie's daycare, her dark hair bouncing as she skipped. I whistled, catching her attention. She hopped into the backseat, grinning.

"Hi, Frankie! Hi, Haven!"

"How was daycare?"

"It was fun!" She gushed. "Haven, where was Mason today? Is he sick?"

Haven laughed. "No, he isn't sick, he had a doctor's appointment today."

I turned around to look at her in the backseat. "Mason this, Mason that. Are you in love, little lady?"

She crossed her arms, giving me a serious look. "Maybe, just like how you're in love with Haven!" She yelled, giggling.

Haven only smiled warmly at her through the rear mirror, winking. "How can he not love this, Junie?" She said motioning towards herself. Junie and Haven got along nicely, it was refreshing.

"Be careful! He has boogers!" Junie advised Haven, pointing at me.

"Well, Mason has boogers too." I grunted, rubbing my forehead.

"Well, even if he has boogers I still love him because that's what real love is! You love someone even if they're smelly!" She insisted.

Junie always seemed to be more knowledgeable than I thought. She was young, yet had a way with words.

We reached our apartment, Junie climbed out of the back seat, whilst I got out of the passenger seat. I looked at Haven, nodding. "Thanks for the ride." I shut the car door, and went into the building, not looking back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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