[02: heart]

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e l i a s

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I'M PROBABLY IN AN alternate universe, where the year is 1929, because it seems like I'm going through some sort of shit show. It's like I'm dragging a massive stone that's holding me back, weighing myself down. As if I'm looking out on a world where I see everything happening at a normal speed, bright and sunny, and I'm in slow-motion, with rainstorms and clouds.

Music blaring from the speakers, I try to make way through the sea of drunk teenagers. A girl throws her arms around my neck, drunkenly dancing. She pulls her arms down from behind my neck trying to get me to kiss her. I shrug her off and continue to walk through the crowd.

To be completely honest, I don't know where I'm heading, or better yet, why I'm here in the first place.

I walk into the kitchen, where a group of people are about to play some beer pong. I sidestep around them, and walk towards the fridge, grabbing a drink.

A girl with short pink hair walk towards me. She smiles lazily and laughs uncontrollably. "Hi," she whispers. "We need one more person for beer pong, and you're the only person here, so I thought I'd ask you."

I only shrug, sticking my hands into my pockets and follow her towards the table of people. She waves her hands around.

"Alright, I found someone to play." She said, pointing at me. I feel all eyes zero in on me, some drunk, while others sober.

"You got Elias to play beer pong? Damn." A blonde boy with a football varsity jacket snickers, grinning.

The girl rolls her eyes, seemingly grinning too. "Alright, you,' she points at me. "are on their team." She states pointing towards the opposite end of the table.

I'm up first, against the pink haired girl. They decide that they won't alternate, and instead would have one round dedicated to one person from each team. "Alright Elias and Ivy, you're first." The football player says.

I grab the ping pong ball, aiming at the cups near the middle. It makes sense to go for the middle ones first because if it doesn't land in the exact one, it would most probably land in one beside it. As expected, it landed in the cup beside the one I was aiming for.

Ivy grabs the ping pong ball and threw without thinking. The ping pong ball swerves the cup completely, rolling off the table, and Ivy seemingly missing the shot. She frowns on instant, her eyes blaze with storms.

She locks eyes with me, as she grabs the cup the ping pong ball landed in and swiftly drank it.

Ivy held the ping pong ball with more grip, her eyes held determination. Her team cheered her on, while mine remained stoic. She threw the ball, and again she missed the shot.

A lazy smirk curves my lips, as I hold back a small chuckle. I grab the ping pong ball and effortlessly throw it into yet another cup.

She narrowed her eyes at me, grabbing the cup and downing it into her system. "How are you so good at this?" She fumed.

"Beginner's luck, I guess." I replied, yawning. I stretch my arms above my head, before settling my hands down on the table.

"We'll see about that." She says, motioning for me to grab the ping pong ball and to continue playing.

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"2-6," the scorekeeper says, "Elias won this round."

The pink hair girl shakes her head in disappointment but walks around the table sticking her arm out towards me. "Well, although I didn't win, and I ended up kind of tipsy, i'd like to say it was a wondrous game." She half- slurred, laughing.

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