4 || interesting

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[interesting: in·ter·est·ing : adjective : arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention

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[interesting: in·ter·est·ing : adjective : arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.]

||H A V E N||

It's hard to tell if someone's going through something. Like, whether they cried themselves to sleep the night before, or they stayed restless all night thinking of ways they could end the pain. I looked over at a group of friends who were all laughing, carefree. I looked over at a girl, who was trying to get a jocks attention. I looked at a boy getting shoved into the locker. No one cares, though. In high school, you're expected to be perfect, pretty, and smart. I was neither.

I took a deep breath, before closing my locker and walking toward the art room. I didn't necessarily like the idea of art when it came to having to do a project because it stressed me out, how would the viewer feel all my emotion and hard work through it? Although I didn't like the idea of projects, I love sketching and doodling. I took a seat and waited for the teacher to arrive.

"Alright, class! Sorry for the late arrival." The teacher, Mr. Kalastic murmured.

"He was probably getting it in the school lounge." Some jock, named Oscar yelled, laughing hysterically.

Mr. Kalastic only rolled his eyes before grabbing a piece of chalk and writing on the chalkboard.

"Today, we're starting a new assignment." He informed, trying not to rub his writing with his left hand.

The class groaned, and I sighed in torture. We just handed in an assignment the day before.

"Alright, alright, enough of that." He chuckled. "For this art assignment, which is going to be more independent, will be about whatever interests you. It could be anything, it could be everything. Your job is to artistically show that through your artwork! Show us how and why you think it's interesting!" He exclaimed.

The class immediately started to buzz with ideas. I had no clue what to do. I mean, I found a lot of things interesting, but I wanted something, that would make someone stop to look at my artwork.

I took out my notebook and brainstormed some ideas. I could always do some sort of scenery, but I think loads of people had the same idea, as I saw a few girls surfing the web for mountain and beach sceneries.

I breathed a sigh when I heard the bell ring. I wasted a whole class trying to think of an idea, while others have probably started their rough draft. I gathered my supplies and tidied my workplace.

"Mr. Kalastic?" I asked. "When's this assignment due?"

He replied not looking up from his computer screen. "It's due in about two or three weeks from now. That gives me enough time to mark these," he holds up a stack of posters, "and this way, I'm giving enough time for your assignments to be perfect."

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