" I love you too." I kissed her cheek.

" Abrianna baybeh!?" August called out for her from downstairs. " Come hea'." Abrianna looked up at me, I nodded, telling her to go see what her father wanted. " Okay! And fo' I fa'get auntie Ari  comin' ova. " She made sure she fold me before running out the room.

" Okay."

I closed the door behind Abrianna , shaking my head as I dropped the sheet from my body. I at least wanted to get rid of these hickeys before  she came over, which I knew was impossible. I had so many all over my body. I could see why Abrianna thought I was hurt though. It look like I  was hit badly. August did hit but..I just don't  want to lose the bet I had Arianna.

I examined my body once over again. I shook my head, as I looked at my scars. I touched my scrare that was on my thigh, softly as I looked at in in the mirror. It was noticeable along with all the others scars I got from getting shot. I turned around, looking in the mirror.  Lower back. Twice in the shoulder.

" Why would August like someone like this?" I asked myself outloud, feeling tears form in my eyes. I was ugly as fuck......... and I still can't find a reason why someone would want to date me. I couldn't see nothing attractive about me. Nothing.

I know the gun shot scars are suppose to show how strong I am, but I'm not. That just made me weaker and weaker. Along with my stretch marks.  I just didn't like my body right now.

" Aye bitch!" I heard Ariana yelled,  walking into the room with a Bobby pin in her hand. " Why you lock the door, knowing I was coming over? Bestf... What I tell you about that Daejah? " She walked over to me, frowning.  " Your beautiful sis, don't believe different. "

I shrugged, grabbing the sheet from the floor,  then wrapped it around my body. " I'm not." I mumbled, not believing it. I started to walk into my bathroom, but she grabbed me.

" I don't want to hear that Daejah. Your beautiful, those scares that you have make you stronger. Them are not flaws, I don't know how  many times I have to tell that." She sighed, while looking at me. She grabbed the sheet from me which left my body exposed. She looked at me up and down which caused me wrap my arms around myself. She pried them off looking at me body once again.

" Look at all these hickeys you got. You aint slick." She touched the one that was on my shoulder blade. " See now, by these hickeys; I can tell August loved on you good last night." She smirked. " Which shows he love your body. He took the time to admire each and every part too." She stated. " You can't tell me that August ass don't love you for the way you're. " She shook her head, as she made me go into the closet where the full length mirror was.

I closed my eyes, once we got in front of the mirror. "Look at yourself Daejah."

I shook my head. " No." I mumbled.

She then ordered me to do it again. And again and again. I finally opened my eyes, looking down at my body.

" Say your beautiful. " She ordered.

I bit the inside of my cheek, as tears rolled down my face. Why was this so hard for me to do? " Say it." She urged more as she sat down on the mini Couch inside the closet.

" I'm beautiful. " I mumbled, looking at myself dead in the eyes.

" Again. "

" I'm beautiful. " She then made me repeat 'I'm beautiful' until she knew I believe it myself. She handed me my Robe. " You need to practice saying that to yourself in the mirror to build your self confidence. I promise you that'll help a bunch." She smiled.

I nodded, wrapping the robe around myself.  " Thank you. I needed that.." I went to the back of the closet where my blankets, sheets, and pillow cases were. I had to change the sheets before anybody could sit down  on them. I grabbed a fresh set, then walked back inside my room. Ariana continue to look at me with a smirk on her face.

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