"I am." Kid grunt out, his voice sending chills down her spine as she could hear the bass in his voice as he vibrated against her as he spoke.

"To us you're not. Especially to me." Tsukiko smiled as she looked at him. Tears in her red eyes. Kid reached up and wiped away a few with his thumb. His skin rough against her soft skin. Tsukikos eyes trailed to the red headed lips as she subconsciously bit her lip. Her eyes flickered back to his amber eyes as he leaned closer.

Kids eyes slid shut as he felt her lips connecting with his, Tsukiko jumped back when there was a bang on the deck followed with calls to Kid. Kid growled before looking at the woman on his bed. Her checks red and her eyes big as she looked at him. Kid grunted and walked out leaving the girl to question her sanity.

Tsukiko groaned as she fell on the bed. Her eyes slowly closing a smile gracing her lips. Their lips touched for a split second. She could taste the alcohol on him. His lips felt rough from the salty air. Her head fell to his pillow. She Inhaled his scent as her eyes slowly closed. Her dreams filled with laughter instead of crying for the first time in quite a long time.

Tsukiko groaned and rolled in the soft bed. Her back and knees making a satisfying cracking sound as she stretched. Her eyes flickered to the window and saw it was dark. She had slept all day. A small smile graced her lips as she felt happy. She exited her captains room, avoiding any crew mates that might take her walking from Kids room wrong. She made it back to her room and slipped on her high waisted pants, tucking her black cami into them before tugging on her thigh high black boots. She laced up the strings and tide a bow at the top. She slid on a button up top she stole from a man it was the perfect weight for chilly night air. It was longer. Reaching just below her butt, she figured because she took it from a man it was larger but She loved the way it felt against her skin, the black velvet on the outside felt smooth and warm as she made her way to the noise of her friends. 

Her heels clinked against the wooden floor as she made her way to the deck, the noise louder, the smell of alcohol and smoke filled her nose. She saw all the men sitting and relaxing, all accompanied by a glasses of ale, sake and more. "Tsukiko!" Wire smirked raising a glass to her. "Come sit with us and talk."

"I feel like I'm going to regret this." The green haired woman laughed as she thanked Killer as he handed her a plate of food and a glass of red wine.

"You slept all day, are you alright?" Heat asked looking at her, his eyes shining in concern.

"Yes. I haven't been sleeping much and finally. Guess I just passed out." Tsukiko smiled and patted Heats hand before picking the plate up and feeding herself. Some of the men laughing from the sight of a tiny woman shoving food into her mouth faster than she can chew.

"So we were talking about it first times. How it felt, the smell of the blood and fear."  A crewmate by the name of Sloth said smirking.

"First times killing?" The woman perched an eyebrow at them.

The big man smirked and shook his head. "No sex." He boomed of laughter. "When did you fuck little girl."

"I was raped. I've never had sex for pleasure. It was to forget I was meaningless and a slave." Tsukiko said sipping her wine. Not everyone knew of her past. She was learning to embrace it and not hide behind it anymore which unfortunately for the men, meant they became very awkward when she said anything.

"You've never had sex for pleasure?" Killer asked his mask turning to her after a moment of silence.

"No." Tsukiko shrugged "only to numb the pain or while I was drunk. I've never had it for fun like you guys do with the whores."

Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid x OC}Where stories live. Discover now