Weird dreams

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Y/n P.O.V
*Time*9:45 A.M
I woke up in Taeyhung's room with my shirt off!I was scared!What happened last night?Then Taeyhung walked in and came close to the me and he smiled.He licked his lips and came close to my face!I woke up agin but this time in Taeyhung's room with my shirt on.Was that a dream.But more importantly...Why am I in Taeyhung's room?Just then Taeyhung walked in and came close to me and smiled.Ohh No!Was that a vision.He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up.I closed my eyes waiting for something to happen.Nothing.I opened my eyes Taeyhung was laying me on my bed.Ohhhhh!Thats What He was doing.I thought he was going to do something else.Boy am I relived.
Taeyhung P.O.V*Time*8:37A.M
I woke up and Y/n was in my bed with me!What the hell?!Then Y/n looked up at me.She got on top of me and started kissing my lips.What the Fuck is going on!I closed my eyes tight!When I opened them no Y/n.I had all my clothes on.Thank god that was a dream!That was scary.I got up and brushed my teeth.I ate breakfast and it was 9:45A.M.I finished my breakfast so I decided to my room.I forgot that I put Y/n in my room so I will go put her in her bed.I got in there and Y/n looked scared.She looked cute to.I smiled and stepped close to her and put my arms around her waist.I took her to her room and laid her down.She laid on her bed and she slept so peacefully.I started staring at her.This is weird....I should leave.
Jungkook P.O.V*Time*8:37A.M
I was walking past Taeyhung's room and saw Taeyhung pick Y/n up by her waist and walked out with her.I followed him and he went to
Y/n's room.He laid her on her bed and watched her.He was turning around so I ran away.Im kinda hungry I will eat me some breakfast.
Namjoon:Why were you running down the hallway so fast?
Jungkook:No reason!Just I want to run down the hallway.
Jungkook:Why are so worried about it?
Namjoon:It's just odd to see someone run as fast as they can down a hallway for no reason.
Jungkook:Umm...Anyway I'm going to eat!
Namjoon:Okay.Do you.
Taeyhung P.O.V
I got on my phone and try to watch funny videos to take my dream off my mind.But it's not helping.I keep thinking about how wired my dream was.I wonder what dream she had.Was it about me?
Y/n P.O.V
I can't go back to sleep after my dream and then the same thing almost happened!I will just get up and tell Jungkook.Wait I can't tell Jungkook my dream!He will tell Tae.I know who I could trust...Namjoon.
Y/n:Hey Namjoon.
Namjoon:Hi.Nice to see you awake.
Y/n:Can we talk in your room?
We're finally in his room.I close the door behind him and I lock it.Just in case someone walks in.
Namjoon:Why are you locking the door?
Y/n:Just in case someone walks in on us.
Y/n:Anyway so I need to get this off my chest.
Namjoon:I'm kinda scared to know what it is.
Y/n:There is this dream I had...
Namjoon:Was it about me?!
Y/n:I had this crazy dream where I woke up on Taeyhung's room shirt less and then he walked in his room and came close to me and smiled then he licked his lips and came close to my face.Then I woke up.
Namjoon:That is a weird story.
Y/n:Yeah I know!
Namjoon:It kinda makes me wonder what Taeyhung dreamed about.
Y/n:Ask him what he a dream about!If he tells you tell meI'll be in my room.
Namjoon P.O.V
So Y/n had a weird dream.I guess I will make up a story and tell him it and say it was a dream.
Namjoon:I had a weird dream.I was on the moon...With.. Michael Jackson!We were doing the moon walk.And the moon was made of cheese.
Taeyhung:That weird.I had a weird dream to.
Namjoon:Tell me!
Taeyhung:I was asleep and in my dream I woke up with Y/n beside me.She looked at me and got on top of me.Then she started kissing my lips.Thats when I woke up.
Taeyhung:I know it was weird.I had never had a dream like that!
Namjoon:Me neither.
Taeyhung:Do you know what Y/n dreamed about?
Namjoon:She dreamed that she was in your room shirtless.You walked in and you smiled at her then you licked your lips and came close to her then she woke up.

Namjoon:You will not guess what Taeyhung dreamed about!
Namjoon:He dreamed that you and him were in bed together.Then you looked at him.You got on top of him and started kissing him!Then he woke up.
Y/n:Where did I kiss him?
Namjoon:On the neck.
Namjoon:Just kissing on the lips.
Y/n:That not any better!
Namjoon:I couldn't stop what he was dreaming or control it.
I am so weirded out!His dream was worst than his.Then Namjoon kissed your lips!What the Fuck!He than released you.You turned around to see why he did.Taeyhung.You were about to say something about the dream to.Thankfully Namjoon saves you.
Taeyhung:I will leave y'all to alone.
Namjoon:No.Your just in time.
I felt awkward so I left and went to my room.Namjoon wasn't your first kiss.Taeyhung was.You never thought about it till now.

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