Some unfinished Burn fanart

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I drew this in our vacant class, and I assure you if there were people watching me then this would look 999% worse. Didn't even bother to draw the flames because when I do it looks like a distorted pineapple's leaves. And Alex is a hoe

Laurens would come after this, I had an idea to draw him and Eliza in a comic but I don't have the commitment? And I'm sketching them in Helpless, maybe I'd draw it when I finish my other three, one's the Lauriza sketch I'm finishing (I'm not gonna bother doing lineart because my lineart skills are as shitty as me drawing fire, Laurens looks more precious with his freckles, drawing Eliza's dress sideways is hard, I wanna smush their stupid faces together, (which wouldn't be that hard eheheheh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) why haven't I shipped this before?) one's my Maria Reynolds fanart, and the other is my uh,,,, 5 other King George fanart. (I love drawing his hair it's so furgsfing curly)

I'll post a sketch right after this one. or two

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