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"That one," she whispered, pointing at one of the bright lights that shined under the warm, dark night.

He shifted under her, adjusting her position on his lap so that he could lay his head on the crook of her neck. "Why?" He asked, quizzically.

The bright light glimmered, surrounded by nothing but a darkness that could drown everyone that tried to broach it.

"Because even though the star is all alone, it shines brighter than all of them combined," she replied, smiling.

The smile on her face was only marred by the scar that impeded it from growing into a full blown grin.

He didn't see it as a flaw though. He thought she was perfect and the scar just added to absolute perfectness.





He kissed her. From the place where her scar began up until right where it ended, and then some more. "That's a planet, silly," he murmured, shifting his lips to her ear.

Her heart raced and her cheeks flushed a deep red hue. Then, she laughed. A lovely, rich melody he wanted to hear everyday, for the rest of his life. "Cruel, beautiful thing," she mumbled.

And at the back of a pickup truck on the way to Neverland, the story of the beauty and his beautiful beast, ended.

That was a lie.

Yes, they were at the back of a pickup truck. But their story had just begun.

And every single day, when he kissed her goodbye or kissed her hello, the scar would get an extra one.

And she would shine.

That beautiful, beautiful beast.

The End



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P.s. I think this is the most scandalous scene I've ever written.
The most scandalous scene I've ever read, is quite another story.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story. I hope you enjoyed my twisted ideas and the poetic narrative.

I know. I'm crazy. Everyone tells me so. But I hope you enjoyed my little bit of craziness :)

Now. As usual,

 As usual,

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