Chapter 2 Wanderer

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Dreams plagued my unconscious, the spell only broken by a drop of water falling upon my nose.

My eyes opened, a frown marring my face as I slowly sat up in the dull light. I looked around to see I had been lying in some tunnel under the earth, roots protruding from the ceiling and all sorts of critters crawling along its floor.

I spotted Constance lying consciousness not far from me, bloody knife in hand. I hadn't recalled blood being on the knife. I suddenly remembered her withdrawing it as we fell through the portal. I looked upon myself to see my hands were bloodstained, as was the silver fabric of my dress. I didn't feel any pain though, so I guessed I had healed in my sleep. I realised I had no idea how long I had been unconscious for. Hours? Weeks? Months? I didn't want to think about it.

I approached Constance carefully; half fearing she was dead and half fearing she was alive. "Constance?" I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey." I shook her a little before checking her false at her neck, her body spasmed, jolting her awake in a heartbeat. I retracted my hand as her eyes locked on mine.

"You did it?" Her face broke into a genuine smile. "I made it." She looked around before her eyes settled back on me. "I must thank you for your service, but I'm afraid I have no further use for you." She grabbed her knife and I scooted back into the earth wall.

"Please don't." My voice quaked.

"Don't you want to meet Charlotte?" She lunged forward.

Out of instinct I shifted into Werewolf form, Alick's to be exact. I attacked her with my claws. It was only when I felt blood running down my hairy arms that pulled back, my eyes blowing wide in horror.

"Oh my God." I gasped, my body slowly shifting back in my now torn dress. I had pulled Constance's heart out from her chest, ribs, blood and guts all on show. Bile burned my throat and I turned away to throw up what little was in my stomach. "Oh my God." Tears spilled forth as I attempted to wipe the gore from my hands on my dress. I couldn't believe I had killed someone; I had actually killed someone. A living, breathing person, was now lifeless before me, because of me. Sure it was self-defense, but how could there ever be an excuse for killing someone. If God did exist, then I was going to Hell.

After a solid thirty minutes or so I managed to gather myself enough to stand in the tunnel. I felt bad leaving Constance's body, she at least deserved a proper funeral. I followed the tunnel for a while before reaching a crossroad, each looking the same as the last. I picked left. I wandered for a while, with light coming from an unknown source. Eventually I began to notice the tunnel was damp, water dripping from the dirt ceiling and clumps of moss and lichen growing on the walls. The dirt floor slowly gave way to grass and the light spilling from the end of the tunnel grew brighter and brighter. I reached the end of the tunnel, stepping out into a beautiful meadow atop a large hill that had a fast flowing stream, leading down to a waterfall and ending in a lake below. A large forest that stretched to the horizon flanked the meadow, booming in lavender, poppies and various other wildflowers. I had never seen a sight more beautiful. I carefully made my way down the hill, stopping at the bottom of the waterfall to properly wash my hands.

The water looked so pristine, the waters clear and sparkling under the vibrant sunshine. Fish of all colours swam around my hands while I washed, tainting the waters momentarily with Constance's lifeblood.

I suddenly felt as if there was a presence nearby. I looked over my shoulder, watching the tree line intently before returning my eyes to the stream. I washed my face, smoothing back my hair to see a person standing behind me in the reflection presented in the water. I whipped around and a gloved hand smacked against my mouth, preventing my scream.

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