Chapter Four - Never Ending Surprises

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{Chapter Four - Never Ending Surprises}

Violet Preston

I put down the book I was reading and got up from the couch to stretch.  My ankle was finally healed.  I had spent the last few days holed up at home letting my ankle heal and reading books.  Books were my escape from reality even if it was only temporary.  I had always dreamed of writing my own novel one day, but the brilliant idea for a story has yet to cross my mind.

        "Miss Violet." Someone knocked on my bedroom door, obviously a maid since no one was home.  "Your mother is home."  My mom...home?  Now that was something rare; my mom only came home when something was up.  She was always doing business outside of Harlmont mainly for the company, but sometimes for the school and the hospital.   However, I knew the real reason why she was never home.  She couldn't stand this house ever since my father died because everything here reminded her of him since he was the one who helped with the design of the home.  His style and personality could be visually seen and felt through the architecture.  For me, it was a big reason to stay home as it was the last piece left of him.  A place where I will always feel protected - protected by him.

        "I'll be there in a sec," I called back and quickly changed out of my pajamas into something more presentable-a floral blouse and dark blue jeans.  I knew my mother would scold me if I went down in just my pajamas.

        I quickly descended down the staircase as my mother came into view along with someone else standing by her side.

        "Violet, there you are darling," my mom called once she noticed me.  She seemed very happy today which was definitely not normal.

        "Hi mom." I greeted her as she pulled me into an embrace and I awkwardly hugged her back.  I wasn't the hugging the type and neither was my mom so there was definitely something wrong with her.  "Mom, are you sick? Do you need me take you to a doctor or something?"

     "No darling.  I'm just in a good mood.  We're going to have guests over so make sure you dress appropriately.  I have big news," she said with a rare smile on her face as she pulled away from me.

        I suddenly realized that I had forgotten about the person standing beside my mom.  I looked over at the boy around my age, he seemed so familiar-blonde curly hair, freckles on his cheeks and sparkling blue eyes.  He looked so much like-

        "Hey V."  His deep voice escaped from his mouth.  "I know I've gotten a lot hotter since the last time we saw each other, but you don't have to stare at me like that."

        "Grayson," I breathed out before slapping him.   I couldn't believe that Grayson-freaking-Harrington was right in front of me.  What the hell was he doing here?

        "I guess I deserved that," he said, rubbing the cheek that I slapped.

         I immediately started marching back up the staircase as I ignored my mom who was demanding that I come back down.  I refuse to talk to that jerk.

        "Violet, wait," I heard Grayson call, but I had already entered my room and locked the door.  "Come on, open the door so I can explain," he begged as he knocked on my door repeatedly.

        "There's no need to explain anything."

        "I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have left without telling you.  I was going to tell you beforehand, but I didn't know how.  I'm really sorry about what happened to your dad.  If I had known, I wouldn't have left like that," Grayson apologized. 

        You all are probably wondering what the heck Grayson was talking about so let me just sum everything up for you. We were best friends back when we were kids. Then Grayson left for California without telling me a week before my father died.  While he became a huge movie star and Hollywood's "golden boy," I was left all by myself in Harlmont.  My mom left me as well; occupying most of her time going on "business" trips away from home.  I had nobody when I needed them most because they had all abandoned me.  What made it even worst was that Grayson never bothered to contact me afterwards.  Not even once.  I had bitter feelings towards him ever since.

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