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(that's Rika's wedding dress)


Today is my wedding day and I was getting ready with my mom.

"I can't believe today is the day," mom says as she puts on her dress.

"I know and to tell you the truth" I look at her  "I that I wouldn't find someone that was into foxes as much as we are, but I did and I couldn't be happier"

I then put my wedding dress on.

"I'm glad honey," mom says.

After we were ready we walked out of the room and we see my dad waiting for us on the couch.

"It's about time" he gets up and grabs his keys and then looks at me "you look beautiful baby girl"

"Thanks, dad"

We then leave the house and head to the church and it took us an hour to get there and when we did my dad parked the car and then we went in and then waited for the other people to get here and since I couldn't see Kevin I had to wait in a room until it was time.

I bet you're wondering where our foxes? Well, Kevin is with them and since our foxes can't go into a church we left them at home and don't worry those foxes are safe 24/7.

When the music starts I walk down the aisle with my dad walking me down there and I see our friends and family. And then I saw him there standing there and looking very handsome in his tux.

When I take Kevin's hand my dad says something before sitting down.

"You take good care of her you understand," dad says in his father tone.

"Of course," Kevin says.

He nods and then sits down and the priest begins.

"We are gathered here today to bring this man and this woman together in holy matrimony and now I will let you both do your vows," the priest says. 

Kevin goes first and takes a deep breath and then starts.

"Rika before I met you I was in a relationship with another girl and at first it was good until she met my fox Elan and when he scratched her she got mad and told me to get rid of him and she made me  choose between her or Elan and when I chose him she dumped me, but anyway I'm glad she did because I found a much better person then she will ever be, I'm glad we met at the store because I wouldn't change it for the world" he then stops.

I then take a deep breath "Kevin before I met you I thought I would never find anybody and especially someone that loves foxes the way I love foxes, and I'm glad we met and fell in love and thanks to our foxes we had a lot in common and I'm glad we do and I hope our love last forever" I then stop.

"Now that the vows have been said I shale begin" the priest looks at Kevin "Kevin Hunter do you take Rika Madison to be your lovely wedded wife for sickness and health, for richer or poorer and as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" he then takes the ring and puts it on my finger.

"And do you Rika Madison take Kevin Hunter to be your wedded husband for sickness and health, for richer or poorer and as you both shall live?" the priest asks.

"I do" I then take the ring and put it on his finger.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," the priest says.

After we kissed there were clapping and cameras going off and then we walked down the aisle together and then went to the limo and then we headed to the party.

When we got there people started talking and walking around and danced and soon we ate and then we cut our cake and get this since we couldn't bring are foxes we decided to have a cake with our foxes on it and we loved it.

When we got there people started talking and walking around and danced and soon we ate and then we cut our cake and get this since we couldn't bring are foxes we decided to have a cake with our foxes on it and we loved it

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After a while, people started doing toast and talking about stuff about us and trying to embarrassed us and that makes us all laugh.

When it was starting to sundown we left and people cheered as we headed off and since we were going on our honeymoon we made sure that our foxes could go with us because we would miss them too much. After we all packed up we put out foxes in a big cage that would fit them all and then we went to the airport and when we got on the plane we headed to FIGI for our honeymoon.

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