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(That's the baby fox)


I have had the fox for a week and over that time I have been taking care of it and making sure he's always protected and yes it's a he I checked. I have had a fence made so that he can't go far, but he does love to run around and make a mess in the house but I don't mind.

The fence is metal and concrete on the bottom so that he can't dig his way out. Thank goodness I own a lot of land and so he has plenty of space to run around.

 Thank goodness I own a lot of land and so he has plenty of space to run around

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We were in my house and he was eating his food and I was watching tv and then my doorbell rings and he runs away to hide. I go to answer it and I see that it's Ally.

"Hey Ally" she then comes in "why don't you come in"

"Where were you 3 days ago?" Ally asks.

"Here, why?" I ask being confused.

"We had a date remember," Ally says.

"O" I put my hand over my mouth "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot"

"What could you have done to make you forget, you never forget anything," Ally says.

"About a week ago after a few hours after our date, I got woken up at 4 in the morning hearing gunshots" she gasps "a man was hunting on my land he killed a female fox and after we had a talk and he left and I saw a baby fox trying to get his mother attention but she was dead and so I brought the dead fox and the baby to my house and I buried the fox, but the baby was too young to be on his own and so I took him in and I've been raising him since"

"Where his this fox now?" Ally asks.

"He's hiding"

"Is that why there's a metal fence around your property now," Ally says.

"Yes and so that I can keep him safe and people off my property"

"Can I see him?" Ally asks.

"Um, I don't know he might not like that because after the third day I took him to the vet and had him checked and his shots and I got the papers and now he's mine and if people ask I have proof that he's mine"

"But can I see him?" Ally asks again.

I go to my room and I see him playing with his stuff fox toy.

I go to my room and I see him playing with his stuff fox toy

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"Hey fella" he looks at me and I pick him up and walk into the living room "Ally this is Elan the fox I told you about"

She looks at him and when she gets to close he scratches her "ow"

"Sorry, I did tell you that he doesn't like people very much" I put Elan down he runs to play and I take Ally to the kitchen and put a band-aid "there good as new"

"No not good as new, that orange furball hurt me and I think you should get rid of it," Ally says being mad.

"There's no need to get mad over it and I am not getting rid of him"

"Why not he hurt me," Ally says.

"Let me ask you something ok" she nods "if a baby was hurting you but didn't mean too, would you get rid of it?"

"Of course not, who would do that to a baby," she says.

"Exactly, Elan is a baby and if I got rid him who knows what would happen, he could starve and be killed by other animals or hunters"

"Ok I get your point but still you should send him somewhere else and not here," Ally says.

"Well I hate to break to you but never going to happen" she gets more mad "and besides you've known me for a long time and you know that I'm an animal lover and I help animals and don't forget how I protected a wolf pup from hunters and now that wolf is my friend now and he comes around sometimes and so again I will not give up that fox and if you don't like it, then too bad"

"I'm going to make you choose," Ally says.

"Choose what?" I ask.

"Which one you want to be with," Ally says.

"You want me to choose between you and that baby fox"

"Yes," Ally says.

"Well then, I choose the fox because I will not abandon him" she gasps.

"You are really going to choose that furball over me?" Ally asks.

"Yes, 100%"

"Fine" she then slaps me and walks to the door "you will regret this," she says and then leaves.

The rest of the day was ok, we played and we ate dinner and I fed him his night milk from a bottle and then we went to bed.

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