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When the next day came I took a shower and got dress and take Elan outside to do his business and I go into the kitchen and see everybody is already awake.

"I didn't know you woke up this early" Bella says.

"Yes I do, I have to make sure my fox is taken care of in the morning"

"Now that's good to hear," David says.

After we ate breakfast I helped them with the foxes by giving them food and more water and other stuff.


As I watch Kevin with the foxes I smile.

"You like him don't you?" mom asks. I look at her and then back at Kevin.

"Yes and he loves foxes and he has a sweetheart for animals"

"How much land does he have?" mom ask.

"I'm not sure, but I do know that he has a lot more land than we do"

"What does he do for a living?" mom asks.

"He's a writer and he's famous for it"

"What's he write?"

"He writes random, but lately he's been writing about him and his fox and he put me and Red in it a little as well"

"I think I might read one of those books," mom says.

It soon became lunch time and we ate and talked and laughed and just had fun.

We each had a fox for each other and I was glad my parents like him.

"So Kevin, how did you meet your fox?" dad asks.

"Well it's not a pretty story" he then looks at his fox and then back to my dad "a hunter was hunting on my land and killed Elan mama and after the man left that's when I Elan trying to get his mother attention, but she was dead and so I took his mom and him to my house and I buried her and at first he was scared of me but when I showed him that I was friendly he trusted me and I have had him ever since" Kevin says as he rubs Elan fur.

"That's terrible" mom then get sad "pore fella with no mama"

"Did you ever see him again?" dad asks.

"No, after that happened I had a metal fence built and concrete on the ground and so now my property is completely sealed off and my fox can run around without being scared"

"What if you can't see him?" mom asks.

"O I made sure I could always see him, I had cameras installed in my property after your daughter trusted me to look after her fox that one time," Kevin says.

"You seem to have thought of everything," dad says.

"Well when comes to safety I make sure both of our foxes are completely protected at all times," Kevin says.

After we fed all the foxes and the other animals we then ate dinner and then went to bed.

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