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The night was calm, a little too calm for a certain blonde haired boy. It was October tenth, it was his birthday, he was finally old enough to join the academy and his first day was tomorrow but first he had to get over this hurdle. His annual beatings, to say Naruto was surprised and even hurt or even effected by these beating would be a lie. He had the fox sealed into him and he always made sure that Naruto was healed. So when night fell and he heard the yells and the shouts he didn't move from sitting on his bed, despite the voice telling him to.

Why would he run? When he was only 13 and they would catch him. He's become immune to the beating, he been near death every year since he was able to walk. The Hokage just allows it, he only gets protected by two Anbu, Inu and Raven and Raven was banished years ago. Inu couldn't always protect him because of the Hokage. He shrugged his shoulders as he felt his door being kicked in. Guess he had to fix that door yet again.

"There's the demon. Kill him."

Naruto scoffed, he was 13 years old and might I had a genius. He reads, and reads and reads some more. He has read everything in that library twice. He's even snuck into the shinobi library and read everything in their twice as well. He has a photographic memory and could recite most of those books word from word. He knows that they couldn't kill him without setting the fox free, they want to kill the fox but he's pure chakra and cannot be killed.

"He's just sitting there."

Naruto deep in thought forgot they were here to kill him. He just sat there eyed closed waiting for the first hit. He felt one vulgar presence come closer, it had quite the amount of chakra and he concluded this person was a ninja.

"This beast killed my parents. I was an orphan with no family growing up, my parents would be proud if I killed him."

Naruto mentally nodded, he knew that voice, it hated him, despised him, he was against letting him join the academy since he worked there.


That man had been a bane in Naruto's existence. He always led these beating and it always ended with Naruto being able to walk the next day. Tonight however he wanted to see the boy stop breathing. He wanted to be the reason this monster stopped walking around the village.

The fox sat inside of his jailer. He was quiet and quite content with this jailer. Not overly loud like Kushina was, and not a nagging lady like Mito. He believed this child was probably going to be the best jailer he has ever in his long life. He knew it was his jailers birthday but it was his thirteenth birthday and he was going to be visited by the Kitsune God in a minute, for it was time for his inheritance.

While Mizuki tried to rally up a makeshift crowd of Naruto haters their was a blinding white light surrounding the room. The shinobi and civilians had to shield their eyes. Naruto eyes were still closed as he wondered who decided to make an obvious and known entrance.

"I must ask you to leave my child alone." The smooth voice said and Naruto was curious so he opened his eyes.

Standing there was a man about 6'7 He had long black hair that was straight. He couldn't see the mans face but his body shape was that of a pencil. He wasn't that skinny, he had a little shape to him, he wasn't buff and he looked to have no muscle definition. He looked almost like a girl and Naruto would have confused him for a girl if he didn't speak.

"Who are you? And why are you protecting the demon." Mizuki voice rang out.

"It isn't any of your concern of who I am, but this is my child. I must ask you to leave. If not I'll make you leave."

The civilians wanted to leave, they saw no point to hurting him, he wouldn't scream or cry like when he was younger, it's like he wanted to die, and that didn't make it fun anymore. So they left, Mizuki snarled and followed them out. Naruto hummed in appreciation, but quickly looked at the guy or paranormal entity, whatever this was.

"Thanks for helping me but why are you here, and who are you?" The male laughed and faced Naruto and Naruto could only conclude that this man was a demon.

Or a god.

However you chose to look at this man, he was beautiful in a either sinful kind of way or an angelic he hasn't pinpoint on an exact answer.

"I see Kurama didn't inform you on anything?" Naruto tilted his head, Kurama? Who the hell was that.

"It's me, I'm Kurama. I'm the fox sealed in you." Naruto nodded.

"I see, Nice name." Kurama rolled his eyes and laid back down.

"No, but we haven't talk unless he was guiding me away from the villagers, but he isn't a bad fox, he helps me." Naruto said trying to defend Kurama and he earned himself two chuckles.

"Kit, he's my father. He isn't going to reprimand me for not telling you, but thanks for defending me."

"You're not a bad fox ya know."

"I'm glad my son helps you. I'm here because it's time for your inheritance." Naruto frowned.

"It's nothing bad, it's time for your Uzumaki inheritance. I am Inari, the blessed Kitsune. Would you like to hear the story of your clan?" Naruto smiled and nodded.

"Then lay down, when I finish you will be sleepy and once you awake, your inheritance will show." Naruto nodded excitedly as he laid down and got comfortable. Inari smiled at the boy and began his story.

"When the Uzumaki Clan was bustling, right around the time Konoha was established by Hashirama Senju. I was injured badly, I stumbled into the land of whirlpools where the Uzumaki Clan was located. I landed at their gates and instead of leaving me to perish like most villages they saved me. Patched me up and allowed to stay until I was completely healed, I noticed at that time most of the clan was males. They saved me and I wanted so desperately to give them something, to keep these kind souls around. I asked them what they wanted, they all told me they were glad to help and that they wished that I would stay strong and live a long life."

Inari looked over and saw Naruto starting to doze off.

"Finish it, I want to know how it ends." Naruto Said and Inari chuckled so he finished.

"The Uzumaki Clan was selfless, they were smart and kind. If the Uzumaki Clan was alive today they would move the world to the peace it so desperately needs. I prayed to the gods and asked them to allow me to bless all those belonging to this kind and generous clan, and they heard my pray. They allowed me to give all Uzumaki an inheritance of the sorts. One that is befitting for a Uzumaki. You would be beautiful, inside and out. Able to give birth or impregnate depended on your preference. You are Naruto Uzumaki, A member of the Uzumaki Clan and and favored among the Kitsune's but most importantly Favored by Inari blessed himself."

Naruto soft snores could be heard and Inari smiled. Pressing his index finger to Naruto forehead he feels the boys powers awaking and pulsing under his skin.

"We will meet again Naruto." With that Said Inari left.

Chapters will be longer, this is just the first. I wanted to get a gist of this fanfic in the first chapter and then continue to build it. Ja'Ne.

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