Daiki at some point got the ball but Kaijo wouldn't just give up and countered. "Counter!" One of the members shouted and started running to the other side of the court. Kiseki smiled and ran after them. It was her turn to shine! As the other team tried to alley-oop the ball in, Kiseki charged and jumped up half a second later, allowing her to get higher than her opponent and knock the ball out of his have before hurling it towards her brother. Daiki accepted the ball and skillfully dribbled it across the court and dunked it in once more.

They would not let the other team score.


Kagami sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he stood in the fruit aisle in the super market. He had finished up work and had decided to make a victory meal for his twins. They had texted him only a couple of hours ago, excitingly texting in caps lock that they had won the friendly basketball match. He was so proud of them! His babies were growing up and hopefully had a chance to become pros, a dream he had to give up when he got pregnant.

Kagami looked at the different vegetables and hummed to himself. What should they eat tonight? Kiseki didn't like bell peppers and Daiki didn't like broccoli or carrots... Maybe he should make his famous cheeseburgers with a side salad and healthy fries? No, that was a little too unhealthy, maybe make something with sweet potatoes? Sweet Potatoes were amazing in a mash with a piece of meat and a salad. Hmm.... So many choices but picky eaters. He sighed and reached for the lettuce when his hand suddenly bumped into the hand of another.

"Oh, sorry-" Kagami said and looked up.

His breathe caught his throat and his eyes went wide. "Ooooh~ Kagamicchi!" A familiar blond beamed. "I didn't know you were back in Japan! Man, you've really gotten older, haven't you?" Kise laughed and wrapped his arm around the redhead like they hadn't been apart for so many years.

Kagami mentally groaned and rubbed his brow. How many more of his past rivals did he have to meet?!

"Ne ne, Kagamicchi~ Tell me since when you've been back in Japan. Why didn't you tell me? How was America? I didn't see you in any of the basketball games. I tried looking for you, but I couldn't find you anywhere. Were you benched or were you put in the back somewhere?"

Kagami sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Something like that." He said, hoping that Kise would just drop it.

"So, how long have you been back in Japan? Are you just here in holiday? Maybe we could go play some basketball, again some time. I know that if Aomine heard you were back-"

"No!" Kagami shouted, before quickly covering his mouth. "N-No, I-I don't really play anymore. I should go, sorry Kise." He said before hurrying away from the handsome blond. No. No, he couldn't see Aomine. Just hearing the man's name made him panic and immediately scared. He was terrified of bumping into Aomine. Aomine couldn't know he was back. Just couldn't!


Kiseki and Daiki were heading home from school and their friendly basketball match, both super happy and beaming. "We were so good! Like GAH and BADAM and then SWOOSH!" Daiki was bouncing around as he retold the game in his own way as they walked, Kiseki dribbling a ball as Daiki just kept going on and on. "And then they charged towards the basket but you were like STOP and then WHOOP and BAH- slapping the ball out of his hand." To prove his point, Daiki slapped the ball out of her hand before running away with it.

Kiseki giggled and ran after her brother. They were both happy and excited that they won. She couldn't wait to tell her dad all about it. Chasing each other, they rounded a corner, but Daiki accidentally knocked into someone. "Oh sorry, officer." Daiki said before running past him. "Slow down, boy!" The officer called after him before someone knocked into his back.

"Daiki, wait for me- OOF!" Kiseki knocked into the broad back of the same officer and gasped as she took a step back. "Oh, I'm so sorry officer. I was just chasing after my brother." She apologized, running her hand through her short hair and fixed her jacket. The officer seemed to be looking down at her with similar eyes. "I should probably go after him. Once again, my apologies." She said and bowed before running away. "Daiki! Wait for me!" Kiseki looked over her shoulder against to see the officer just stand there and look at her and Daiki running away.

He was tall with navy eyes and navy hair and toned skin much like hers. It was a little bit creepy if she was being honest.

They soon crashed through the front door together. "I was first!" The twins shouted at the same time. "Hey kids, how was the game?" Kagami asked them as he stood in the kitchen making food.

"The game was amazing!" Daiki said and started rambling once more with Kiseki sometimes excitingly jumping in. They were being loud, but in a good way and that made Kagami smile happily. Moments like these made giving up his dream and keeping them when they were babies all the more worth it.

"Okay, okay." Kagami laughed as the kids just kept going on and on about the game and making sound effects. "Why don't you two go shower, change into something comfortable and leave the dirty laundry by the washer, I'll was your uniforms before tomorrow." He told them and watched them hurry off.

Kagami was about to go back to making the dinner, but then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" He shouted, turning off the stove before quickly walking to the front door. "Can I help... You?"

Kagami's eyes went wide in horror and his skin paled as he saw the familiar person in front of him. His hand tightened on the door knock and he started shaking for multiple reasons. Fear, nervousness, uncertainty...

"... Aomine..."

A/N:: FINALLY I MANAGED TO GET SOMETHING OUT! I'm so sorry, guys! But at least there is something now. Uni is a pain, projects everywhere, work on the side and traveling at the same time. But it's better to get something out than nothing at all right?

Anyways, Aomine is finally there! EXCITING!

If you have any ideas or things you want to happen, you can let me know in the review section. I also decided to make a KO-FI account. So if you want to buy me a ko-fi, you can. Just look for "FebeMollen". Thanks you everyone. I'll try to get another chapter out this month.

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