Sick Day

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Back again with another drabble! Hope you enjoy!

"Get your ass back in bed NOW!" Katsuki yells at Izuku who's standing in their kitchen holding a glass of water.

"Kacchan, I just wanted water." Izuku defends.

"You're sick, Dumbass! If you want water, tell me! I didn't take off work for nothing! Plus, I don't want your germs contaminating my kitchen!" Katsuki snaps.

"What do you mean 'Your Kitchen'?" Izuku asks.

"This is OUR house, Kacchan."

Katsuki looks him dead in the eyes.

"It became my kitchen after you almost burned it down three times. You're fucking dreadful in the kitchen." Katsuki states making Izuku squawk in indignation.

"Now get out of my kitchen and back into bed, Nerd." Katsuki instructs sternly, clearly not taking "no" for an answer.

Izuku huffs and starts walking out of the kitchen, but stops by Katsuki and tilts his chin up.

"Kiss?" He asks hopefully.

"Fuck no. Your diseased broccoli ass isn't getting me infected." Katsuki gives him a light shove out of the kitchen as Izuku pouts. Katsuki hasn't kissed him in four days. It's torture.

He stomps back to the bedroom and crawls under his pile of blankets, chills beginning to set in again.

Izuku clutches a stuffed rabbit to his chest that Ochako got him as a get well present like a small child.

Katsuki come in a few moments later with a damp cloth and places it on his forehead.

"You were looking a little red and we want to keep that fever down." He says.

He stares down at Izuku for a moment before stroking his cheek tenderly.

"You're an idiot for getting sick." He tells him.

The words are mean but they come out soft and laced with affection.

"I know." Izuku replies in the same tone, leaning into Katsuki's touch.

"Anything I can get you, Deku?" Katsuki asks, calloused thumb running over his cheekbone lovingly. Izuku decides to try again.


Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"Anything besides that."

Izuku opens his mouth to protest when his eyes widen, stomach flipping violently.

"Bowl!" He says urgently and Katsuki is quickly bending down to grab the large bowl from the floor and thrusting it into Izuku's hands just in time before he vomits.

Katsuki rubs his back as his body shakes with the force of it.

"Just let it happen Deku. It'll be over soon." Katsuki tries to soothe.

Eventually all that comes out is stomach acid which burns his throat before it's finally over. He falls back to the mattress, groaning as Katsuki takes the bowl to dispose of the vomit and clean it.

At some point during this process, Izuku falls asleep completely and utterly exhausted. He wakes up a few hours later curled on his side with Katsuki lying next to him, simply watching him.

"Fuck, you're even cute after puking your guts out and passing out." He says almost in awe and Izuku blushes, snorting.

"C'mon Kacchan. We both know I look like death." Izuku replies.

Katsuki just hums in disagreement, continuing to stare for a few moments before speaking.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, tone soft. Izuku nods.

"A little."

"You want to try eating something?" Izuku nods again and Katsuki gets up.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't do something stupid like die while I'm gone, Deku." He tells him seriously, exiting the room.

Izuku sighs, kicking off the blankets now feeling overly warm. He grabs his phone and scrolls through his social media feed while he waits for Katsuki.

True to his word, Katsuki is back in a few minutes with a piece of toast and a small bowl of applesauce. He hands Izuku the food items and Izuku slowly begins eating.

Katsuki sits next to Izuku, running his hand through Izuku's hair. Izuku leans up into the contact, the action very feline.

"I'm married to a god damn cat..." Katsuki mumbles.

Izuku giggles, looking over at Katsuki with a smile. Before he knows what's happening, Katsuki is kissing him and he positively melts. Katsuki pulls away after a few moments.

"I love you. You know that right?" Katsuki whispers against his lips.

"I know, Kacchan." Izuku replies softly, resting his forehead against his husband's.

"I love you, too."

It's now two a.m. and Izuku is sleeping peacefully. That is, until Katsuki is yelling at him.

"FUCK YOU DEKU FOR MAKING ME KISS YOU! YOU GOT ME SICK, BASTARD!" Katsuki shouts as he races to the bathroom to throw up.

Izuku is quick to run after him to help. It's going to be a long night.

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