Slow Dancing In The Dark

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This is just a short drabble I whipped up. My writer's block has been kicking my ass. Sorry that this isn't as long as my other bakudeku fics. I hope you still enjoy.

Izuku doesn’t know how they got there, bruised and bloody from a raid, slow dancing in the silence of their kitchen with only the light from the open refrigerator at three a.m. Hell, they're still in their hero costumes.

Izuku rests his head on Katsuki’s chest as they dance, listening to every breath he takes. God, to think he almost lost Katsuki. If he didn’t step in when he did Katsuki-

“Shhh nerd. Everything’s okay. No need to cry.” Katsuki whispers soothingly, holding Izuku’s hand in his tighter.

Izuku doesn’t know when he started crying either but his shoulders are shaking as small sobs pass his split lips.

“I’d die for you.” Izuku says suddenly and he almost did tonight.

He owes his life to Katsuki just as much as Katsuki owes Izuku for his.

“You would die for anyone Deku.  I want you to live for me.” Katsuki replies and for some reason that just really hits Izuku.

He cries harder, taking his hand out of Katsuki's larger one. He wraps his arms around Katsuki’s neck and jumps, hooking his legs around the other's waist.

Izuku realizes belatedly that Katsuki probably doesn’t have the strength to hold him right now but, bless his heart, he does anyway. With only a short stumble back, his hands grip Izuku’s thighs and support his weight.

“That’s right Deku. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.” Katsuki tells him, kissing his tear stained cheek, the salt making the cut on his lip sting.

Izuku continues to cry, holding onto Katsuki like he’s his lifeline.  Katsuki sways from side to side, humming their song softly in an effort to calm the other. It works and eventually Izuku is left clinging to him as well as the last of his consciousness.

Katsuki kicks the fridge shut and carries Izuku to their bedroom from memory alone as their apartment is covered in darkness. Izuku whines when he’s set down on the bed causing Katsuki to chuckle, amused by his partner's neediness.

He strips Izuku of his costume and tucks him in before taking care of himself. Izuku watches Katsuki’s silhouette move in the dark, waiting for him. Katsuki does join him a few minutes later and the shorter male takes his spot where he belongs, safe in Katsuki’s arms.

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