Date Me, Dumbass.

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Sup, fuckers! Bet most of you thought you'd never hear from my dumbass again, but sadly y'all ain't that lucky lol. Here's another fic for you! This is literally the first thing I've been able to write in over a year (thanks trauma 👉🙃👉) so go easy on me because I'm rusty. Hope you guys like it.

"Have you ever just wanted to beat the ever living shit out of somebody because they're so fucking stupid and then, like, kiss them or something?" Bakugo Katsuki asks who he considers his best friend, Kirishima Eijirou, on a sunny Saturday afternoon as they eat lunch together on the steps outside of the gym after a long training session.

Kirishima snorts, his lips curling up into a smile as he swallows the bite of food in his mouth before replying.

"Can't say I have, Bakubro-"

"Don't fucking call me that."

"But since Midoriya is really just that oblivious to your flirting, I think you should just tell him outright that you're trying to date him." Kirishima finishes, undeterred by Katsuki's snark.

"I never said it was Deku!" Katsuki snaps, jabbing a chopstick at the red head as his cheeks turn a similar shade to the other's hair.

"You didn't have to. Everyone in 1-A except Midoriya knows that you're pursuing him." Kirishima goes onto say, setting his now empty bento box to the side on the concrete stair he's currently seated on.

Katsuki says nothing and only glares at the other. Stupid Shitty Hair. Thinks he can just say something like that to him of all people. Asshole.

"What, you thought you were being slick? You're about as subtle as a bull in a china shop, Bro." He continues with a laugh.

"Okay if all of you extras know, then why the fuck doesn't Deku?!" Katsuki blurts out frustratedly, dropping the charade that it isn't Izuku that he's referring to.

"I don't know what else to do! I've taken him out, bought him shit, spent God knows how many hours with him, complimented him, I've even held his hand for crying out loud! I'm practically already dating him at this point but all I ever get is 'oH kAcChAn, yOu'Re sUcH aN aMaZiNg fRiEnD!'" He says, raising the pitch of his voice in a mocking manner as he quotes Izuku while gesticulating wildly.

"Like, no you dumbass! I'm trying to be your boyfriend, are you braindead?!"

"Have you tried, I don't know, just telling him how you feel?" Kirishima replies somewhat sarcastically with a look that says this really should be obvious.

Katsuki scrunches up his face in disgust at the thought of expressing his emotions.

"There's your problem. Just tell him." Kirishima says encouragingly in response to his friend's obvious discomfort at being vulnerable with another person like Izuku.

"Fuck you, Hair For Brains." Katsuki tells the other as he gathers his things and stomps off angrily because he doesn't like the fact that Kirishima is right.

"Love you, too, Bro! Go get your man!" Kirishima calls after him with a smile.


"-And then he said 'Frick, your eyes look pretty tonight.' Well, he didn't say 'frick,' but yanno." Midoriya Izuku says to Uraraka Ochako, spilling the details of his evening with Katsuki the night before as they hang out in his dorm room. He sighs, giving her a wistful look as he flops back onto his bed.

"I just wished he liked me more than just as a friend."

Izuku and Katsuki have come a long way in terms of their relationship. For about a year now, they've been growing a lot closer. It makes him so happy to finally have his childhood friend back, but during that time Izuku has found himself falling hard for Katsuki. Not wanting to ruin what they have, Izuku has kept his feelings to himself as much as it makes his heart ache.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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