"Chef Rick Adam is at your service Ma'am" what? now idea of dinner sounds very scary.

"That's fine Rick, I mean... I appreciate your generous thought but you don't have to do it. I am happy that you like the work, let's go back to our hotel." I said it humbly, actually I'm too happy that I can be sweet to Rick, atleast for this moment.

"C'mon, I insist. Let me show you the magic of my hands, you gonna love it" seriously, Rick and kitchen, ahhh!! I shrug my shoulders to refuse but his blue eyes summoned mine.

"Please let me do something for you" the intensity in his voice weaken me, his words travel down to my heart, half-heartedly I give him a nod and I don't regret watching the breathtakingly beautiful smile on his face.

In no time we reach to the kitchen, he clearly instructs me to sit on the side table while he busied himself for the preparation.

"Are you ok with pasta? That's the only thing I know how to make perfectly" he said rubbing his temple shyly, embarrass with his little knowledge.

"You know how to cook?" I ask him in surprise.

"You can answer that later, you know after tasting my masterpiece" he winks at me with his flirtiest smile, it hold my breath. This is too intimate moment between us, the dim lights and pretty big candles on the table hinting romantic vibes which is a big fat lie, it's just a formal dinner, that's it. I chide myself for not to think too much.

I watch him heating pasta in one stove and preparing sauce on the other, he seems relax and happy. He looks so young without stress lines on his face, I watch him, intrigued by this new Rick, who knows how to cook.
Instead of spoon, he checks pasta himself using his finger without worrying about heat.

"Be careful" I blurt out worriedly.

His eyes catches mine, I avoid his gaze, hating myself for showing any emotion for him.

"I am fine, don't worry" he answers softly with a slight smile.

Again his attention fix on cooking, I couldn't help myself but watch him doing things i never thought him doing. He watches me watching me, I feel off guarded.

"The last time I made pasta was for Emily, I never cooked pasta after she died" he pretends to be casual, but I see the pain in his eyes. He goes silent for a while and I don't speak a word either, we both knows how touchy this subject is.

"Actually, she taught me to cook. I was just twelve and she forced me into kitchen, just for a fun, can you believe it" sore smile appears on his face, its not making a sense as I still feel his anguish, why?

"But in a short time, I learned to make pasta far better than Emily" His words aching my heart, Emily was pure soul and very much closed to Rick. And it was my father who had ripped them apart, the remorse doesn't allow me to look into his eyes.

"Rick" I want him to stop talking about Emily, surprisingly he did understand.

"Wow, the meal is ready" Easily he changes the awkward moment.

He serves the deliciously looking pasta on the table, he sit opposite to me on a stool and start plating for me.

"Have it, I'm sure you would beg me to cook for you after this" I raise my brow at him, rolling my eyes but honestly my mouth is watering to taste his lovely looking pasta. I take my spoon to taste it but Rick's next word stops me.

"Would you like to have wine or juice for drink" On the mention of the drink, the dreadful night repeats right in front of my eyes. I tighten my hold on the spoon remembering the video and the lustful glares of the men, I become restless at the same time rigid. No, I can't forget the things which happened in the past.

His demeanour has changed too, we don't need a word to understand each other.

"I am sorry" he meant it, I can see through his eyes. You are strong Jen, you can't be weak, not before Rick.

"Water is fine" I replied dryly, he takes a deep breath, the distinctive silence erupt between us. Silently, I take the first spoon of pasta, the sauce and pasta delighted me, it is divine. My eyes widen with astonishment at Rick, he gives me a million dollar smile seeing my reaction.

"Tell me Ms. Jennifer Davis, do you like the masterpiece of Chef Rick Adam" he bows his head little, and winks at me with playful smile.

Avoiding his question, I eat blissfully. I feel his eyes on me in the entire meal, we both plays so oblivious to the intensity of this moment. Strangely, instead of warming up to each other, the heat rise between us. Raw emotions, thumping heart beats and uncertain feelings confuse me further, is he the same Rick with whom I had a history, definitely yes he is the same Rick, but a different version of him.... my heart voice her opinion. But why didn't I see this side of him, appreciative, caring, understanding, and selfless, more importantly not demanding one. My head shoot me a warning, no Jen, don't fall for his act, he is the same manipulative Rick and he knows what he is doing.

"Stop judging, just relax. It's just a meal, nothing much" he get up holding the dishes, I watch him like dumbstruck.

"Tomorrow you can take a day off Ms. Davis, we will gather here on Saturday for pre- launching party. Let's go" he walks ahead of me, not even looking back at me, leaving me behind struggling with myself. I should have at least thank him for the meal, is that too hard, you stubborn woman. He puts so much efforts to appreciate you and you did pay him with the doubts and discomfort.

Taking a deep sigh, I answer back to myself, maybe this is right thing... it will draw a line between us and maintain the distance....

His Intense LoveWhere stories live. Discover now