23rd April , Tuesday

75 3 0

Four Seasons Hotel & Resort , Jin+Suga's room , 10.00...
Jin : What are you watching ?
Suga : I'm looking for videos that could help me better with Noona... I still can't find any
Jin : You have been on the laptop from last night until now , don't you want to go out and have fun for awhile ?
Suga : Nope
Jin : You should rest , our concert is tonight
Suga : Until I find what I want...
Jin : You're lucky we already rehearse at home or we won't even be in this room

JHope : Wah~ Noona did a great job today
RM : Really ? Were you streaming the whole day ?
JHope : Yeah

Suga : Mm...
Jin : When we're in our hotel room , don't mention about LE Noona
Suga looks at Jin : ...
Jin : I'm traumatised
Suga looks at laptop : Mm... *types on keyboard*
Jin : 'EXID Showtime' , they have mentioned this before !
Suga : Yeah , should we watch it ?
Jin : 'We' ?
Suga : It will help you with Hyerin
Jin : Then would you help the others too ?
Suga : Fine... call them over
Jin : You getting soft
Suga glares at Jin : ...

SBS Prism Hall , EXID waiting room , 11.00 , meanwhile...
Junghwa : Are you streaming ?
Solji : Uh
Junghwa : That's great...
Hani : Why ? You don't sound too happy
LE : Junghwa has the same thoughts as me
Solji : And that is ?
LE : There's no need to stream , we already surpass the goal
Solji : 야... don't say that
Junghwa : Unnie , if we comeback as a 5 again , it will be different
Hani : Why are we talking like this before we go on stage later ?
Hyerin : Can we check 'Sun & Moon' on chart ?
Solji : Hyerin , don't be like this...
Hyerin : Things are not normal... 5 of us is enough , another 7 more guys... then what are we ?
LE : 야 , you're getting too emotional
Junghwa : It's bad for Hyerin Unnie to be emotional
EXID laughs : Haha

Jimin : Really ?
Jungkook : Whoo~ 'EXID Showtime' , start !
Suga press space bar : ...
RM : What ?
Suga : Geez... *pulls cursor* Here we go
V : Ooh , it's season 5
JHope : 'From top to bottom , trendy girl group EXID 2015'
Jimin : Ooh
Jin : 2015 ? This is old
RM : Right
BTS laughs : Haha
JHope : What is Hani Noona doing ?
Jungkook : Ah , cute
V : Looks fun
RM : Hyerin is stuffing food down like that ?
Jimin : EXID's charm
Suga : No , it's not appropriate
BTS laughs : Haha
JHope : 'Warm weather'~
Jungkook : It's their first reality show since debut ? Wow...
RM press space bar : Who is who ?
Jimin points screen : Red hair , Solji Noona
Jin points screen : This , LE Noona
Suga press space bar : Don't keep pausing
RM : Yes , sorry
JHope : Whose room is this ?
Jimin : Neat
V : It's Choco , Solji Noona's room
Jin : Choco used to look so young
Jimin : The 5 rooms looked so different
Video : [Solji : Good]
RM : Oh !
Suga frowns : What ?
Jimin smiles : ...
Jungkook laughs : Choco is the only one for Noona
JHope : 'Choco and Solji's blissful moment'
Jin : Oh ! There's another camera there
V waves : Hello
BTS chuckles : Hehe
Jungkook : Noona looked different here
RM : Yeah
Jimin : I'm envious
JHope : It's in the screen , 'envious , dog that can live off Solji's love'
BTS laughs : Haha
V : So many kisses in a day
Jimin place hand on chest : Ah !
Jin : Why is she talking like that ?
RM : Oh ! Puzzle , the members say she loves puzzle
BTS laughs : Haha
Suga : Jimin , what reaction is this ?
Jimin laughs : I don't know
RM : It got ruined !
Jin : Noona must be frustrated that her days of work got destroyed
Suga : Who wouldn't ?
V : Why is it counting down ?
Video : [Solji : 야 !]
Jungkook : Choco is still fooling around with the puzzles *laughs*
JHope : Just like that , Noona has fainted of frustration...
BTS laughs : Haha
Jimin : Comfort her , Choco-ah
Jin : He walked away
BTS laughs : Haha
V : Now we know how Noona looks like when she's frustrated
RM : They just pause and zoom out like that ?
Suga : Yeah
Jin : Who's next ?
JHope : Hani Noona
RM : What ?
V : Noona's room looks cramp
JHope : 'I'm not thinking about anything now because I don't have any thoughts'
Jungkook : Oh ! This is Blank Hani+1
RM : She looked like she died
Jin : 'Waking up because of the heat'
Jimin : What's that ? Ah... dried fish snacks
Jungkook : Noona look like those... gamer kid
Jin : Why does Noona eat like that ?
V : Are you awake now ?
BTS laughs : Haha
Suga : She lies down again
RM : It's really is Blank Hani+1
JHope : Hyung , she looks like you
Jimin : I'm sure Hyung is actually nervous of how LE Noona will turn out
Suga : ...
JHope : Who's room is this ?~
V points screen : That's a lot of clothes
Jungkook : It's pink
RM : Hyerin ?
Jin : Ah , Jeonghwa
JHope : What's she doing ?
BTS : ... ?
RM : Goodness
JHope : 'Hot body goddess Jeonghwa'
V : Stretching exercises... on the bed
Jungkook : She does this every morning
Jin : She works out to keep this body slim , awesome
Suga looks at Jungkook : ...
Jungkook : This shouldn't be aired... *pouts*
JHope : Oh ! She's using a chair
RM looks away : I can't , I'm sorry
V : Her posture for squats is very stable
Jimin : Like yours
Jungkook : But we work out in a different way
Jin : Opposite attracts
JHope : Hey , it's LE Noona
BTS looks at Suga : ...
Jungkook : Music in the morning
Jimin : She's humming
Jin : The camera is so close to her
JHope : 'Copyright producer , LE's music house'
Suga : Her room is cute
RM : Her computer set is blue and white
Jin : Looks nice
JHope : 'LE's unreleased song will be revealed' *laughs*
Jimin : Why do they keep putting that dog emoticon there ?
Suga : Oh ! I know this song
Jungkook : Really ?
V : Noona has played this a few times in her room
JHope : 'Sung by LE'
Jimin : Noona looks like how she is now
Jin : Yeah
RM : They're going to change rooms again
Suga : Oh , that note
JHope : Hyerin Noona !
RM : Is she producing too ?
Jimin : No
Jungkook : What's going on here ?
Video : [Hyerin : 24 inches]
JHope : Oh , that's cute
Video : [Hyerin : 34 inches]
RM : She's checking our JYP sunbaenim's song
Jin : 'Bubbly'
Jungkook : Is she wearing pyjamas ?
JHope : Looks like it
BTS chuckles : Hehe
Suga : Powerful lip-sync
Jimin : She doesn't even care about the camera
V : Yeah
RM : Oh ! Ding dong~
Jin : Q ?
JHope : Noona haven't gave up on her puzzle ?!
V : Choco is so cute
Jimin : Hani Noona looks like a kid~
Suga : Hyerin , Hyerin ? *looks at Jin*
Jin : Very cute... *covers mouth*
BTS : Ohh...
RM : What is LE Noona holding ?
JHope : Looks like a banana
BTS laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Ah , Noona
Jimin : Even Kookie can't hide his feelings for Noona anymore
RM : What now ?
JHope : 'Please use your body to express your current mood'
Jin points screen : What's that ? What's Noona holding ?
Jimin : Banana
Jin : No , there's something else
Video : [Hani : Very happy , extremely happy , totally jjang]
Jimin : What ?
BTS laughs : Haha
JHope : What is Jeonghwa doing ?
RM : Oh ! LE
BTS : ... ! *laughs*
Suga : Cute
JHope : 'Not Ahn LE anymore , everyday Ahn Hyojin has arrived' *laugh*
Suga chuckles : Hehe
RM : What is Hyerin Noona doing ?!
V : Wasn't she always like that ?
RM : Yes *laughs*
Jimin : What is Noona doing ?
Jungkook : Dancing with Choco
Jimin : Ah , it looks embarrassing
Jungkook : 'Unclear dance' *laughs*
RM : Next Q
JHope : 'Please demonstrate what EXID's charm is !'
Jin : Ohh...
Video : [Hani : If you talk about EXID's charm then it's...]
Jungkook : Sexy ?
RM : Oh !
V pulls cursor back : Hold on , hold on
Suga looks at V : ... ?
RM : What ?
V : After she said 'sexiness'
JHope : She winked
Jimin : Oh , she blew a kiss
Jin : Noona is seducing the viewers
BTS laughs : Haha
Jungkook imitates Hani : Oh my god
JHope : 'Q. Look at the camera and say '나꿍꼬또 기싱꿍꼬또'
RM : It's an act cute
Jin : Ah...
V : Solji Noona is really frustrated *chuckles*
Video : [Solji : Isn't this what I don't like doing ?]
Jin : That's why they're making you do it
Jimin : Noona , what is that stance ?
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Video : [Solji : 나꿍꼬또 기싱꿍꼬또]
Jimin smiles : ...
BTS cringes : ...
Jimin : I like it !
Suga : She's trying again
V : Noona looks like a kid
Jin : Noona hates to act cute
Suga : Choco is whimpering
BTS chuckles : Hehe
Jungkook : Heeyeon Noona~
JHope looks at Jungkook : What's that ?
RM : Let's see Hani Noona's version
Jin : She's cracking up
Jimin : Let's go
V : Start
Video : [Hani : 나꿍꼬또 기싱꿍-...나꿍꼬또 기싱꿍꼬또]
Jimin : Ohh...
V : They're all embarrassed
JHope : Noona has fainted
RM : Ah , Hyerin Noona , Hyerin Noona
Video : [Hyerin : 나꿍꼬또...]
Jin : Ah , I can't watch this
BTS laughs : Haha
Jin : She's cute , she's cute
RM :'Challenging again' , she's closer to the camera now
Jimin : Hyerin's fans have just died from this
Jungkook : She's cringing
Jin : It's okay , don't apologise...
Suga chuckles : Hyung is heartbroken seeing this
V : Jeonghwa Noona , let's go
JHope : 'Jjong Jjong-i' ?
RM : The members gave her that nickname
Jimin : I'm curious *looks at Jungkook*
Video : [Junghwa : 나꿍꼬또 기싱꿍꼬또]
Suga : Stiff
Jungkook : Hyung , LE Noona is next
Suga looks at Jungkook : Say anything wrong and we'll see
V : Noona hasn't changed much
RM : Uh
Jin : She's cooling off *laughs* she can't take it
JHope : Noona~
Jimin : Noona was holding a banana just now , now she's holding a toy banana ?
V : Noona is acting... her cough sounds fake
Video : [LE : This is too weird]
JHope : 'Eventually shouting 'this is too weird'
RM : He laugh is different
JHope : 'Charming LE's version is ?'
Jin : What's that ?
Jungkook : A Lego
Video : [LE : 나꿍꼬또 기싱꿍꼬또]
Suga : She looks scary...
Jungkook laughs : Both Junghwa Noona and LE Noona are stiff
V : Noona is too tough to be cute
BTS laughs : Haha
RM : She sounds like Solji Noona here
Jin : She calls the members 'kids'
JHope : 'Stern LE'
Jimin : She's trying again
RM : Noona , give up
V : How does she manage to drink her water so swag in the end ?
JHope : 'Q. Let's fulfil Showtime's EXID members' wishes' , that's a lot of words , I'm not reading anymore
RM : It's alright , Hyerin Noona is reading
Jungkook : They haven't even started and Noona looks defeated
Jimin : Maybe she knows that it'll fail
Jin : Why is Hyerin so cute... ?
Video : [Hyerin : Eating Show ?]
BTS laughs : Haha
Suga : She's signalling the members
Jimin : Noona is naturally cute
V : Blank Hani+1
JHope : Not anymore
Jimin : Ah , I need water *gets up*
RM : I need to stretch my legs *gets up*
V : We need a bigger screen
Jungkook : Blank Noona is back
JHope : 'What are you doing ? Are you thinking ?'
Jimin : No *drinks water*
Jin : Noona , are you awake ?
RM : She's moving
JHope : And the answer is...
Video : [Solji : Where does everyone want to go ? Theme park ?]
Jungkook : Theme Park ? There must be a lot of screaming in this episode
Jimin : What did she say ?
JHope : Hani Noona said she wanted to go to a theme park before
Jin : The results are...
BTS laughs : Haha
Suga : LE Noona really likes to going to swim
Video : [LE : What ? What did the others write ?]
[Hani : Who is it ? Is it me ?]
BTS laughs : Haha
V : No , it's Solji , LE and Junghwa Noona
Video : [Solji : What did the members write ? Hani probably wrote 'to go on an outing' . Hyerin , shopping ? For Junghwa , a drive ? For LE , going to the swimming pool]
JHope : Everything was wrong expect LE Noona's...
Jin : Noona really likes swimming
Video : [Hani : Eating Show ? Beach ? Eating at the beach ?]
Jimin : That's what Hyelin Noona wants , no ?
Jungkook : They actually guessed correct but they wrote different answers...
JHope : Results is... *laughs*
Jin : So close
RM : 3 for beach , 2 for theme park
V : Gosh...
Video : [LE : What are they thinking of ?!]
BTS laughs : Haha
Jimin : Typical Noona
BTS laughs : Haha
JHope : Again ?!
Jungkook : Holiday , bowling , beach , water park and theme park
RM : Opposite of each other
Jimin : Opposite attracts
Jin : Junghwa is going to cry
Video : [Hyerin : Jeonghwa-ya~]
V : What are they doing ?
Video : [Hyerin : What wish did you wish ?]
Jin : Water park *laughs*
Video : [Hyerin : Can you not hear me ?]
Jimin : Can you even hear our voices ?~ *laughs*
Video : [Junghwa : Should I visit next door and come back ?]
Jungkook : No
RM : What ?
Suga : Did Hyerin went over ?
Video : [Junghwa : I was thinking of going next door]
JHope : 'A shocking telepathy at this moment'
Video : [Junghwa : Unnie , you came at the right moment , daebak]
RM : She's singing
Jungkook : She's singing~
Video : [Junghwa : I wrote that , going to the theme park]
[Hyerin : Theme Park ?]
[Junghwa : I wrote it , I wrote 'theme park' just now]
Jin : Maknae line telepathy
Jimin : What about us ?
Jungkook : Probably the same
V : Where do you guys want to go ?
BTS laughs : Haha
JHope : 'There is hope' , me ?
Jin hits JHope's head : ...
JHope laughs : Haha
Suga : No , it's not cheating if the members got the telepathy to visit
Jimin : Noona is giving up
Video : [Hyerin : Come here , come here]
Jungkook : What ?
Video : [Hani : Why did you come here for ?]
JHope : 'Dishonest action twice'
Video : [Hani : What did you write ?]
[Hyerin : What did you write today ?]
[Hani : What did you write ?]
[LE : 야]
[Hyerin : I definitely sent you telepathic messages]
[LE : 야 ]
[Hyerin : Why didn't it work ?]
[LE : What are you doing ?]
JHope : She came after hearing Hyerin Noona's voice
V : What's going on ?
Jin : What did they say ?
Video : [Hani : What did you say ?]
[All : What did you say ?]
Suga : Goodness...
Video : [LE : Can't you have another wish ?]
[Hyerin : Why did you wish for something like that ?]
[Hani : No]
[LE : What did you write ?]
[Hyerin : Theme park]
[Hani : Woah , that's really fascinating]
BTS laughs : Haha
Jimin : Hyerin Noona is mad
Video : [LE : But honestly , shouldn't the wish be the beach or something like that ?]
Suga : This Noona...
BTS chuckles : Hehe
V : They just scold Noona like that ?
Video : [LE : But must we keep doing this ?]
[Hani : I don't know]
[Hyerin : Until we get it right , let's write 'theme park']
[LE : I don't want to go to the theme park , I can't go on the rides]
Jin : What ?
Jimin : Junghwa Noona told us before
RM : For real ?
JHope : But she rode with us that day , so that day...
RM : Did you knew ?
Suga nods : Uh
JHope : Wow , really . I respect you , Hyung
V : Why ?
RM : He didn't forced Noona on the ride like we did
JHope : Uh , he bought Noona to eat
Jin : Ohh...
Video : [LE : I don't like the theme park]
Jimin points screen : But she wrote it either ways
Jungkook : Noona is pouting
Video : [LE : This seems like it won't work]
Suga : Noona is like a kid
Jungkook : What about Solji Noona ?
Jimin : Did they not visit her ?
Jin : No
Jimin : Why not ? *laughs*
RM : There she is now
V : She's on her own
Video : [Solji : Theme Park ?]
JHope : Right , that's right
V : She even got a pouch juice
JHope : Not swimming pool
Jin : Why won't they visit her ?
Jimin : She's on her own
Jungkook : Noona , it's not good~
RM : She's writing down her answer
V : And the results is... *laughs* Noona , what are you doing ?
JHope : Hani Noona's broadcast station
RM : Transmit so easily
BTS laughs : Haha
Video : [Solji : The place that the member want to go]
Jin : Theme Park ?
V : If it's wrong , it'll be funny
Video : [Solji : 1 , 2 , 3 ! Tada !]
Jimin : It is... theme park !
Jungkook : Finally !
Jin : Wah~
Suga : I would die if that's us
RM : Hyerin Noona is so happy that's she's dancing
V : Noona is still pouting
JHope points screen : Noona's reaction
Video : [Solji : They said they wanted to go to the theme park ?]
JHope : Yes !
Video : [Solji : Really ? Are you sure ? They wanted to go to the theme park ?]
V : They do , Noona
Video : [In this weather ?! It's hot though]
BTS laughs : Haha
Jin : Noona , What are you doing ?
Jungkook : She's like LE Noona
Video : [Hani : Ahn LE must go on the back seat of the viking]
JHope : What a bully
Jungkook : She just called Noona informally
RM : They do that from time to time
Jin : Noona is so unhappy
Video : [LE : The scary rides]
JHope : 'EXID's forceful telepathy's victim'
Suga : Don't be upset...
V : Hyung , you're being soft
Jimin : What is Hyerin Noona doing ?
RM : Celebratory dance
JHope : Featuring Jeonghwa
Jin : She has the song played on the computer
JHope : 'United with next door's Junghwa'
Jungkook : The maknae line
Suga : They're going crazy *shakes head* oh no
V : What headband is that ?
RM : This kind of things can't be aired !
BTS laughs : Haha
Jimin : Look at them celebrate
JHope : Why is it funny ?
Jungkook imitates Hani : Oh my god
BTS laughs : Haha
Jin : Playful
JHope : 'Leaving because of successful telepathy'
V : Noona looks pretty
JHope : 'Bag is very stylist' *laughs* who did the subtitles for the show ?
Jimin : Their clothes looks so comfortable
RM : It's a small van
Video : [Hani : Ah , this...]
[LE : Ah !]
Jin : Gosh
Video : [Hani : Going to the back]
[Junghwa : I , I will go]
V : What ?
Jin : Gosh !
RM : What's wrong ?
Jin : They knocked their head twice
Suga : Too tall
BTS chuckles : Hehe
Video : [Hyerin speaks cutely : Knocked your head ? Knocked your head]
[LE : I'm hungry , where's our hamburger ?]
Jungkook : Have they not ate ?
JHope : 'Where's our hamburger ?' *laughs* 'Hungry... scared of theme park...'
Video : [LE : Ah , I'm really hungry , I have no energy]
Jimin : So Noona was correct ? Phobia ?
Jungkook : Oh ! Maybe
V : Blank Hani has appeared
Video : [LE : 'Running Man' and 'Infinity Challenges' have been there]
JHope : Gosh , Noona
Video : [Junghwa : That I know]
Jin : What's LE Noona holding ?
RM : Yeah , telepathy fail
Jungkook : Their food came
Jimin : McDonald's !
V laughs : Junghwa Noona's English
Jungkook : I'm hungry now
BTS laughs : Haha
Suga : Should we order ?
Jin : What ?
RM : Let's order *holds phone*
V : 'Solji , what's up ?'
JHope : They can speak to each other formally ? Daebak
Jin : But they get mad if Hyerin uses '야' on them
Jimin : They're discussing their telepathy challenge
Video : [LE : Unnie and I wanted to go to the beach]
Suga : Noona is not going to let that go ?
Jin : Who's hand is this ?
V : Hyerin Noona
RM : Holding the fries
V : Are you ordering ?
Video : [Hani : At first I thought that theme park was good]
[LE : I kept thinking of theme park]
[Junghwa : Hyerin-nie and I wanted to go shopping]
Jin : Hyerini ?
JHope : I'm not sure
Jungkook : I think she used short form , maybe 'Hyerin-nie' ?
Jimin : They create their own word ?
RM : Okay , order has been received
Suga : Do I get a large coke ?
RM : Yes

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