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Emilia's POV

Sirens filled my clogged up ears as I tried to open my eyes which felt glued shut. Ringing penetrates my ears as the sirens get closer and closer, it soon comes to a halt and with my blurry vision a figure appears. He tried to pry open the drivers side door but failed after the fifth time. His backup crew supervised him and they finally opened the door. They unbuckled my mom's seatbelt and dragged her limp body out of the car and onto a gurney.

Next they freed my door with ease and grabbed under both of my arms to lift me out of the raggedy car. They also put my unmoved body on a gurney and rolled me into the ambulance. They started their journey to the hospital as the EMTs checks my mom and I out. "We're losing her, hurry hand me the defibrillator," one of the EMTs screamed. My head feels heavy and it's pounding everytime I lift my head to examine what's going on.

Finally my eyes flutter open and I take in my surroundings, there's sudden movements and franticly shouting "We're losing her." I looked over my at my pale mom with dried blood on her head as they tried to keep her conscious.

I feel like I'm losing her with every second that goes by and I just want to scream but my mouth is very dry and feels like its been filled with cotton balls. As we head near the hospital, the EMTs are still working on my mom. Her chest heaves up and down as the defibrillator jolts her body but still not gaining consciousness. A few hot tears slides down my cheeks when I noticed them slowly giving up on my one and only mom that kept me safe, that fed me, the one who I could go to when I'm feeling sad. I completely lost it when the person that been by my side since day one was gone.

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