Suddenly, Soonyoung did a dramatic sigh, earning confused looks. "Ah! Don't tell us that you let someone touch you without getting to know them", he then placed a hand on his chest in a dramatic way, again, "how could you?"

Ignoring the look that Mr. Squinty eye, Soonyoung, is now giving him, Seungkwan sighs and sat the toddler down beside Jeonghan who immediately wrap an arm around the child to keep her safe from falling.

Seungkwan then placed his hands on both hips, stands in sassy pose and raised an eyebrow at Mr. Squinty eyes. "Really? You'd think that low of me?"

"Hey! I didn't mean it that way–"

"But it sure felt like it"

And the two began bickering, quite childish but at the midst of the them two kids bickering, Jeonghan made eye contact with Seokmin who instantly understood the look the older was giving him. He nodded and whispered something to the child who suddenly nodded eagerly and the two excused themselves and left the room.

While Mingyu paused what he was doing and joined in once again, not in the bickering, but at the mere act of listening to the two bickering, like kids.

"Hyung I'm not that stupid and not that easy either, if i let some man get close to me, i always make sure to atleast get their names and if they don't give me their damn name then they're not worth my time and that's when i take my leave." Incase wondering why Seungkwan is answering so defensively, it's because in the middle of their bickering, Soonyoung may or may not have said something offensive that now irks the brunette.

Soonyoung immediately recognizes his mistake and didn't hesitate to apologize for it.

"Kwannie, I didn't mean to offend you in any sort. I wasn't watching my words and i apologize if i hurt you in any way. Please understand, I'm only being a friend to you, okay?" Soonyoung added a pout making his cheeks fluffier and his eyes less squinty but holds a genuine sorry in them.

The brunette sighs but before he could speak, a certain giant puppy decides to cuts in and asked a question that yet again Seungkwan never expected to hear, casual conversation or not.

"So.....who's the guy that knocked you up Kwannie? What's his name?"

All eyes went to the brunette in question, even his daughter was staring at him thought she doesn't really understand what was going on, she was simply and adorably mimicking what her uncles were doing which was currently staring and waiting for Seungkwan to answer.

It's not like Seungkwan didn't want to answer nor have a problem answering that question. If it were any other day then he would've, maybe even shout out loud, the answer but something about his place, the situation he is in right now, the setting, basically everything, there was something  pulling him back like an invisible tape was being placed over his mouth that he couldn't speak or answer at the moment. He wants to answer, he would've answered already, but something was really making him not do it. Mind? Heart? Conscience? It could be anything really.

Jeonghan notice the brunette falling into the depths of his thoughts and decided that topic was already prolonged and needs to stop, a new topic should be opened to spare the room of silence and to pull Seungkwan out of his deep thoughts.

"You know what? I don't even care about that man who touched boo. He's nothing but a mere dust of the past, nothing we should be bothered about anymore. I mean, it's just a waste of time thinking about that man when he didn't even spare his time to find you and the child. It seems like all he cared about was that one night you spent together, nothing more. Stupid man" Jeonghan finished with a scrunch of distaste on his face.

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