chapter 13

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      Cyrus the cat dodged this way and that trying to avoid the sharp pointed spider feat. He was all instinct now. No planing beyond the next step. It was like dancing, only the consequence of  a misstep was death.  Cyrus had never been good at dancing, but that was before his transformation.     

       Now he was move fast than ever before, his speed was almost unnatural.  Unfortunately so was the creatures.

       "Meellllllllo!" Cyrus the cat squealed as one of its sharp feet nicked his tail. He had only a millisecond to recover before it brought one of its other feet down upon him. At the last possible moment he dashed to the left, once again barley avoided death. 

         If Cyrus had been listening he would have heard the boy cutting the captives free. Of course he was to busy trying stay alive to even think about that. Some where in the back of his mind he registered familiar voices in the distance.  The sound of frantic running came form the south. The creature shifted it's stance to intercept this new threat. 


      Zed and Cass had been searching for Cyrus with little success. Fortunately as they got closer to the full moon Cass senses increased especially her sense of smell. She managed to find cryus trail. 

    "There" cass pointed when the came upon Cyrus. The scene that Cass and Zed found would have been hilarious in any other circumstances.  A giant spider/woman doing battle with a black cat barlly a foot high.  However considering that it  was there friend that was about to be dead, neither of then felt like laughing.  

    Cass went into a mad run in a doom attempt to save the cat shiftier. Zed followed after her only pause a moment to change his glamour. 

    Zed had made vast improvements in his glamour ability since meeting Olivia. Recently he had been working on a new glamour form. It was much like his true form only larger with claw and teeth.

   It was all a trick of course glamour changed how you look but who you were. It was his hop that he could frighten the creature to a retreat. Alas the hybrid was not impressed.

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