Chapter 8

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     Cyrus skipped between shadows. It would have been safer to shift to cat form but, what little trickle of courage he had would leave him if his cat/him took over. He was trying to track Cas by smell, but though a cat has strong smell it not as impressive as other hunting animals. It was even less impressive in human form, and there were so many scents it was hard to keep track. He wasn't  even sure he was following the right scent.

"So, frustrating" Cyrus said with a sigh.   "Focus, Focus. 

 Some inner instinct told him that something was following him. His body tensed, He almost shifted out of reflex. Usually he enjoyed a little chase. His cat form was small and quick and sneaky and he had no problem lose his pursuer before he was in any danger. But he was not in cat form. Still he had not lose want ever it was that followed him, he wasn't going to lead it to Cas.

"Catch me if you can!' Cyrus said his voice dripping with bravado he didn't really feel. He took off running, abandoning all attempts at stealth. His hunter gave chase.


Zed eventually came back with some clothing and food, He insisted that Cas stay for breakfast.  Oliva didn't say anything, but Cas got the feeling that she didn't like the idea.

"You have peaches!" Cas exclaimed.

"We hit a house that the other scavengers missed, we have only a couple of cans though"

"The only cans we have are full of cold beans."

 "Oh you think that's bad, I once went two weeks on a diet of pure tomato sauce."

Cas giggled "Seriously" 


Olivia watch the exchange without taking part, a look of suspicion on her face.

suddenly loud noises from out side interrupted there conversation.

 instantly everyone got down, away from the windows.  Not daring enough to breath they prayed that the danger would pass them by.


Cyrus barely managed to stay one step ahead of the ugly little creature. Since it was behind him he never actual saw it. But only an extremely ugly creature could give off such a disgusting smell.

    He moved this way and that, not thinking past the next step. The creature let out a low moan.  without turning his head, he knew it arms were at stretched just inches from the his shoulders.  He wasn't going to be able to keep this up. He need a new strategy. He darted into one of the empty houses. He kicked the door behind him, here was a loud sound and a low moan.  Cyrus turned and slammed his shoulder into the door, trapping the lower half of the monster outside. As he already had guessed it was ugly. It had pale white skin, its body was covered by brown warts and long gray hairs where jutting out from the top. Blind dead eyes. Long, droopy, hairy ears. 

     Its upper half was inside while the lower half was trapped outside by the half closed door. Cyrus pushed with all his might, putting his strength against the strength of the creatures.  The grotesque thing twisted its body and its large spider like fingers grabbed at Cyrus's side, trying to pull him closer. Suddenly there was another body next to his. Cyrus nearly jumped as a man seemed to come out of no where to aid him. Two woman came from his left and began to batter it's upper body, one on the with a broom stick the another with a pan.  The monster let out a series of disturbing noises then, somehow, managed to make it out the door and on to the street. It didn't look back.

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