Chapter 9

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"Are you alright?" Cyrus nearly jumped with joy, surprise, and fright when he realized one of his captors was Cas. Half of him wanted to hug her and the other half wanted to run from her. He managed to put on an exaggerated smile and mutter,"

"Never better"

"I take it you two know each other?" said the man who had first come to his aid. Cyrus turned to the man and wrapped him in a manly embrace.

"You saved my life. Man I owe you big time, if you hadn't showed up I would've been spending the evening inside that things stomach. He let go of the man and turned to the other woman beside him.

"Please, don't," she said, putting a hand in front of her.

"ahem." Cas interrupted she wondered how he could be so friendly to strangers yet cold to her. "This is Zed and Olivia they actually helped me out of a tough spot too, earlier this morning."

"How can we ever repay you?" Cyrus exclaimed still ecstatic about being saved.

Zed responded before Olivia could say anything. "Well, uh, you did mention something about peaches right?"


Kelly walked the streets, unlike Kenneth she was free to walk in the daytime without fearing death. Officialy she was going out for supplies, in truth she was just restless. Kenneth would be fine without her protection for the moment so he didn't object to her leaving, even thought he already had enough supplies to last the two of them a month.He did however request that she pick something up from his own apartment, he had marked it on the map for which Kelly was most grateful, she always had a hard time following directions. She could barely follow the map as is. Whoever Keneth was before he turned, he must have been loaded.  =================================================

She didn't worry too much about someone following her, she had yet to meet a creature who could last a minute against her. She did, however, keep her eyes peeled to the sky, Kenneth had mentioned something about a dragon that liked to hunt in that area. Kelly personally didn't think he was serious but didn't want to put it to the test, she wasn't ready to become a dragon slayer just yet. Along the road creatures kept their distance, preferring to stick to the shadows, and trying to pass by unnoticed. They had long learned that things are not always what they seem. What looked like a defenceless girl in her late teens wandering the streets alone could be something else entirely, the fact that she had the confidence to walk alone assured them that it was so.  She reached the skyscraper that contained Kenneth's apartment and began the long climb up to apartment 847. When she finally reached the 8th floor she ran straight into a little boy, probably not yet ten. Instinctively she grabbed him, holding him against the wall. Instead of turning into some kind of monster or throwing out some kind of psychic attack, he started crying. This reaction surprised Kelly so much she actually let go of him. The boy continued to cry

     "Please don't hurt me, Ill leave, ill leave. I won't come back I promise, I taste terrible, honestly I do."

      "Its uh," Kelly started trying to sound reassuring.

     " Its alright, I'm uh" She tried to think of something she could say to calm this boy down.

      "I'm not going to hurt you". At least she hoped she wasn't.

    Kelly looked down at the boy. His clothing must have been expensive but he looked like he hadn't changed them in over a month. His arms and legs were utterly devoid of fat, he obviously hadn't eaten much for awhile. She reached into her pack and pulled out a can of beans and a can opener. The boys eyes widened but he made no move for the can until after Kelly opened it and presented it to him. He devoured the contents with vigor.

"Okay, um kid, or what is your name?" she asked when he was finished.

"Timothy," he said his concentration still on the empty can.

"Timmy, My name Kelly. I need you to stay here for a second while I go get something, when I comeback i'll take you to a place where there is lots to eat. This brought a smile to his face and he stayed obediently as she retrieved the small box from Kenneth's apartment. While she was at the apartment Kelly considered what she should do with the boy. Though she didn't know why, she felt that this boy was probably an immune. She couldn't bring him back to Kenneth, he would only get in the way of the two of them and end up as Kenneth's quick snack. Fortunately there was another solution, Kenneth had marked on the map a community of immunes living together that was conveniently placed between her and Kenneth's sewer home.  She could drop the boy off there on her way back.

     She signaled the boy to follow her as she began descending the stairs. As they stepped out of the skyscraper the sky went dark, Kelly looked up expecting to find the sun hidden in a blanket of clouds. Instead it was blocked by a set of leathery wings. She pulled Timothy back inside as the winged lizard flew past them and onto another skyscraper. Apparently Kenneth had been serious.

     after waiting to make sure the dragon stayed put in its nest, she made her way towards the community with the boy. Every few minutes she glanced once again towards the sky.

     A few hours later, she was back at Kenneth's place, she had dropped the boy off about a block from the community. She had watched him in the shadows as he made his way to it, them she went back to the sewers.

"your late," Kenneth said without turning to look at her.

"Since when are you the time cop?"

"Do you have it?" he asked, ignoring her question. she placed the box on the table between them. Slowly Kenneth opened it to retrieve a locket necklace. For a moment he staired at it, his face immobile, before he quickly stuck it in his pocket.

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