Chapter 3

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PoV- Cyrus

     The gunshot startled Cyrus so much he almost switched back to his cat form, he  was fully acquainted with violence as long as it was in a video game, real life violence, not so much. The man struggling to get free of his grip brought him back to reality. The other man moaned in pain clenching his bleeding arm as his weapon fell from his grasp.

  For a few moments he stood in the doorway then he turned and fled.

POV- Cas

  Cas wasn't usually a violent person everything had happened so fast her body had reacted instinctively. The scent of blood permeated the air. To her disgust she didn't find the smell revolting only appetizing. Her mouth watered and that almost made her throw up but she didn't have anything in her stomach to throw up.

"Hey, lady are you alright?" Cyrus asked.

Cas took several moments to answer.

"I'm fine I-I'm fine, I just...well never shot anyone before"  

"No kidding, ow" he said looking down at the guy who just bit his finger. He dragged his claws across the guys cheek and let out a hiss. This seemed only to infuriate the intruder and he started a string of curses but was cut off when the cat man smashed his fist into the guys face. Knocking him out cold.

  With a Cheshire like grin the cat man said "No profanity in the presence of a lady." 

 Cas walked over to her new friend and the now unconscious stranger.

"What are you planning to do about him"

"What did you have in mind lady?"

"I dunno, it's Cas actually, I don't think anyone uses that word anymore, besides I just saved your life."

"Actually Cas your mistaken, it was I who just saved your life, I was never in any danger."

Cas decided to change the subject.

"We should probably tie him up."

"You don't look like your carrying a rope."

"Maybe we could use some clothing, or something."

"Not that I've ever tied somebody up before, but im not sure a few pieces of clothing will work."

"Do you have a better idea, what's your name anyways?"

"Call me the cat."

"Seriously, your real name."


"Cyrus, once were done tying him up or whatever, do you want to have some uh- well all I really have is water."

"Actually killing mice does make me thirsty."

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