chapter 7

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     Cyrus awoke on the street, his first thought was; Whats wrong with my shape shifting? Whenever he shape shifted he kept his clothing with him. So why was he lying naked in the street?

Oh yeah that's right I wasn't wearing any.

     The events of the last night came rushing to him, his whole body shivered at the thought of Cas's transformation. 

      He shifted back into a cat and went to get his clothing from the apartment.  After getting dressed Cyrus faced a new dilemma, what to do about Cas. It was almost like someone had tied his hand to two cars driving in opposite directions. Cyrus the man wanted to go find Cas and make sure she was safe. But Cyrus the cat didn't want to go within 50 feet of her.

     In the end Cyrus the man won out and he headed begrudgingly towards the door.


     Kelly Price spent her seventeenth birthday in bed with the flue, her eyesight was blury and her skull felt like concrete. She fell into a coughing spell and drew her hand away to find it speckled with blood. Immediately she called out for her parents, her mom rushed in and gasped at the sight of her bloody hands.

"Honey, are you hurt!" Kelly responded as if she hadn't heard her.

"I think I need to go to the hospital." She croaked out slowly.

"I'll call an ambulance!" her mother said, quickly getting up and dialing 911; she only got the busy signal.

"Since when is 911 busy? I didn't even know they had a busy signal!" her mother rambled frantically dialing and redialing.

"Calm down," her father spoke, sounding panicked himself. "We can drive her to the hospital, everything will be fine, just stay cal-" he was cut off by the sound of Kelly coughing up more blood. Her parents helped her up out of bed and into the car. It didn't take them long to realize traffic had stopped. But in that time a change had come over Kelly, she no longer felt sick, in fact she felt more alive than she had ever felt before. Her eyes went black.

     Kelly awoke to find Kenneth shaking her.

"We've got to move."

"Why?" she asked groggily.

"Ill explain later, for now lets just say we'll be spending some time in another part of the sewers."  She followed Kenneth as he navigated the maze of tunnels that still confused her. Finally he stopped.

"Are you going to tell me what were running from now?" 

"That should be obvious, we're running from vampires."

Kelly rolled her eyes, "more of Mrs. Becker's idiots? Oh no somebody save me," she said sarcastically.

"I have no doubt you could have and will handle them but if they had found us there they would have compromised our safe house. I have certain valuables in there that I would rather not have Mrs. Becker find out about."

"So we went off running because...?"

"Because they would have found us eventually, and should one of them survive i'd rather he not carry the information of our entire arsenal of valuables to Mrs. Becker."

"Whatever," Kelly said with a shrug.

"They will be catching up with us shortly, it would be best if your better half were there to greet them," he said with a smirk.


     Kenneth stood in the empty intersection in the sewer tunnels, he heard the two vampires approaching from the left and turned to face them. There was a boy about Kelly's age, maybe a little younger. He was accompanied by a girl, she looked to be in her late thirties, and was probably the leader of the duo. The girl spoke first.

"Kenneth, right?"

Kenneth didn't answer.

"Mrs. Becker would like to once again extend her offer to you, the time for lone hunting is over. If our kind is to survive we must stand united.

"I couldn't have said it better myself," He answered finally, "Only, I see myself as the head of that organism, not Mrs. Becker. You see, leading our race to survival requires an intelligence that... well, she just doesn't have."

"This is not a negotiation, you will come with us one way or another," the woman said as she and her companion braced themselves for a fight.

     They never noticed Kelly creeping up behind them, she smashed their skulls together, bone and flesh crunched and blood covered her face and chest. She severed the head of the women with a fireman's axe. The boy got to his feet, still recovering, and ran to the exit. The black-eyed monster leaped after him. The sound of their mostly one sided battle echoed through the sewer, then silence.

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