First Day

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The first day of school arrived and Izumi was exited and was up making breakfast before she left for school.

-Time Skip-

The front gates of U.A. were just as incredible as the first time she was there.

"Ok, class 1-A, 1-A, 1-A,1-A!" Izumi repeated to her self as she found her classroom and entered, she was amazed at how large the door was and the fact that Kacchan somehow made it in with his attitude.

"Please got your feet off of your desk, you are disrespecting, heroes and our upperclassmen" said a guy with glasses who called her out at the entrance exams.

     "F@&$ off, glasses what hole did you even crawl out of anyways?" Kacchan yelled. Everyone was gazing at him and his rude behavior.

"My name is lida Tenya and I am from Someii Academy" the boy with glasses said.

"Someii eh, it'll be fun to crush your elitist ass!" Kacchan said as everyone else sweat dropped.

     "Are you sure you want to be a hero?" Lida questioned.

     "He has always been a jerk, so don't pay attention to him" Izumi said.

     "Hello, my na-" lida began.

"I heard what your name was" Izumi said.

"Hey, you made it too! Thanks for destroying that 0 pointer and saving me" Uraraka said. Izumi got looks of disbelief, astonishment, and one of 'I don't care' from a guy with red and white hair. Then a yellow caterpillar walked into the room and out came a scruffy, sleep deprived adult.

     "I took you 8 seconds for you to settle down, here in the hero course time is important so don't waste any, I am your home room teacher Shota Aizawa and you will refer to me as Mr.Aizawa" Aizawa explained "now put these on and meet me outside." He gave all the students a P.E. uniform. In the locker room all the girls look at Izumi with envy at her amazing  looks.

-Time Skip-

"We will be doing a quirk apprehension test" Aizawa explained.

"Won't we miss the welcoming ceremony?" Uraraka asked.

     "One of the good things about U.A. is how unorthodox it's school traditions are" Aizawa said. He then pointed to Izumi.

"What is your best throw, without using your quirk?" Aizawa asked.

     "That would be 80 meters!" Izumi replied enthusiastically.

"Take the ball and toss it as far as you can with your quirk" Aizawa said. Izumi took the ball and contemplated which quirk she wanted to use and picked one of the many quirks she had available, it was known as 'Stockpile', it gave the user enhanced strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility, and luck, but she renamed it 'S.P.E.C.I.A.L.' because it has all the functions of something that was from one of her favorite videogames. She pulled her arm back and tossed the ball with all her might, but the ball went 100 meters.

     "That's not a really cool thing to do Eraserhead" Izumi said.

     "When did you figure it out?" Aizawa asked.

     "As soon as you walked in" Izumi said "could you return my quirk now?"

"When you use your full quirk I will" Aizawa replied.

"Fine, but it's not my fault if you get blown away." Izumi said. She was going to use the full power of her quirk and using the power of all the deceased's quirks she cocked the ball back and got a score of infinity, shocking her classmates.

"Thank you for demonstrating" Aizawa said.

"That was only a fraction of my power, I didn't use it to the full because the shockwaves would probably make everyone go flying every where" Izumi said. Everyone was stunned at her power and how considerate and nice she was, even though she had so much power.

     "Could you show us your full power?" Aizawa asked.

     "I don't feel like it" Izumi replied stretching and yawning.

     "This looks like fun!" a girl with pink skin exclaimed.

     "Well if you think it'll be fun, then last place has to fight Izumi" Aizawa said. Everyone sweat dropped knowing that Izumi only showed a small amount of power, Kacchan was especially going to do his best, so he didn't have to fight her, because he feared her.

     "And Izumi, if you want you can do the test" Aizawa said. Izumi nodded her head yes and they began the test. The other students also did the ball throw doing their best, so they don't have to fight Izumi, the only person to get Izumi's score was Uraraka, who also got infinity, then in the jump test, Izumi jumped up 1 kilometer, beating everyone including a girl who seemed to have a frog quirk. In the running test, Izumi got 0.01 seconds, the only other person who got near her score was lida with 3.14 seconds, in the grip test Izumi only used 2 fingers and broke the machine, putting to shame an eight armed boy who a little boy with balls on his head said it reminded him of an octopus, he also said that they were 'sexy', while Izumi thought he was a pervert and hoped he came last so she could put him 6ft under. When the scores were released it showed 'Mineta Minoru' as last place and Izumi saw the pervert shaking in fear. Izumi herself came in first, there were no looks of surprise on her classmates faces, but the other girls looked at Izumi with 'the look' that meant beat him up, because Mineta kept on trying to touch them. Izumi only thought this, the sun was out, the grass was green, and a casket your size is being lowered into the ground with the tombstone saying Mineta Minoru. Mineta on the other hand was thinking that since it was a fight he could touch his opponent inappropriately. Both contestants went to their corners, Izumi was reading while Mineta was looking at her with ill intent, the bell rings and Mineta charges her, while Izumi is reading her book, every one, but Kacchan thought she was doomed until they saw Mineta get punched in his manhood and then he got beat up so badly that he had to go to recovery girls office. After the fight they went to class and introduced themselves and their quirk. Up went went lida, next was Uraraka, then Kacchan, and so on until it was Izumi's turn.

"My name is Izumi Midoriya, my quirk is Dawn of the Dead, it allows me to summon anyone who has died or anything that has been destroyed, anything I summon listen to my every command, my quirk also gives me super human abilities and the ability to use the quirks of everyone who has died." Izumi said. Everyone's jaws dropped at her power. The bell rang and class dismissed and everyone left home as it was the end of the day.

And that's a wrap, thanks for reading and be sure to check out my other story. 👋👋👋

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