Updates are boring, I know

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So I apologize for being gone for so long, I actually wrote chapters for this story weeks ago and I was going to edit and upload but around the same time, my grandmother revealed to me that she has cancer and it kind of messed me up for a bit, but she's chosen to remain optimistic about things and not dwell on the negative...which is everything.
But anyway, the long awaited chapters should be up in the next few days, perhaps there might be one later today, maybe.
Oh, while I was rewatching Corpse Bride, I had a thought, did Emily's parents know what happened to her or did they just assume she ran off with Barkis? Also I learned that he stabbed her in the side! I always thought he hit her over the head with a rock...but I was wrong.
And also I need help with something.

As I was writing I kept switching between the sex of the baby, I can't decide between boy or girl, so I was hoping you could possibly help me with that.
💜 For girl.
💙 For boy.
And if you have any name suggestions that would also help.

Anyway, enjoy some memes I found on Pinterest.

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I'm not a Goldfish, Mycroft Holmes Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora