Disneyland 2.0

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(I forgot to press publish yesterday...oops, I apologise.)

Before you start reading I thought it would amuse you to know that I actually looked up "what do women keep in their purses?" Because I don't carry a purse, I just shove everything into pockets and I have a strap on my wallet...yes, I am an adult lady...

Paris was a place she adored, though if she can remember its the only place she's ever been, out of the country. This time would be different however as Mycroft wasn't here to work and this was a vacation for the both of them. As usual, the hotel was grand and no doubt extremely expensive. The suite was large and they had a lovely view of the Eiffel Tower from the sitting room's window, which Alice admits it a cliché itself. Mycroft had a bellboy carry their things and let Alice enter first. She limped into the room, the plane ride aggravated her leg. It wasn't from the wound as it had already healed and was a pink scar, but she suffered nerve damage from the incident. Taking a seat on the sofa she placed her purse down on the coffee table and shuffled through it. Grabbing the orange bottle she opened it and took one of them without water. Coughing she forcefully swallowed again to send the pill down to get rid of the lump in her throat. Standing she waltzed into the small little kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. While standing at the counter a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist.
"It's just us now, my dear," Mycroft said, placing a kiss on her shoulder.
Alice grinned softly, leaning against his frame. "Is it? I was sure that you and that bellboy would have talked longer." She said, turning around to face him, a quizzical look on her face. "What were you talking about anyway?" She asked. Mycroft pulled away from her and gave her shoulders a rub, "nothing my dear, just simple things regarding our room." He walked into the sitting room. Alice pressed her lips together with a raised eyebrow, "you're hiding something." She whispered to herself. "That's not like him." With a sigh, she left the kitchen and joined him on the sofa.


Alice was the first one to wake up. It was still dark outside but the alarm clock on her bedside table said it was just after six. She thought about waking Mycroft up but decided against it, this was probably the first decent sleep he's gotten in a while. She slipped the covers off her body slowly and quietly got out of bed. Picking Mycroft's shirt off the carpet she slipped it on her naked frame and shuffled in the kitchen, last night she had a few groceries delivered while Mycroft was in the shower. She could just order breakfast from room service there was no doubt about it and she had considered the option since it was a vacation, however, she enjoyed doing things for him and she doubts he's had a proper breakfast most days when he leaves for work before she's awake herself. There have been occasions where Alice has essentially held Mycroft captive on a Saturday or Sunday morning just so he could actually eat before rushing out the door to no doubt work tirelessly all day without much of a break. Alice rolled her eyes at the workaholic nature of the two Holmes men in her life. Don't get wrong, she loves work and she loves the kids she teaches but even she knows how to take a break and do normal human things, especially ones that are required for basic survival. She chuckled at the mention of kids in her thoughts. Alice has always wanted children of her own, she adores them and has always gotten along with children, but before she met Mycroft she had doubts of ever having any. Alice has never had the best track record with previous men, some were too controlling, not in the protective kind of way that Mycroft could be at times with her constant surveillance when she's up and about, he's tried to hide it but she found out anyway and they had a small argument until Mycroft sighed and explained that he only wanted to keep her safe, after his little speech about her impotence she let him continue what he was doing if it made him feel better. Other men she's been with hated how much she worked, undoubtedly because they were unemployed arseholes who blamed immigrants on the supposed lack of jobs when in reality they were just lazy. And of course she couldn't forget the short relationships which ended when they came home with her for the first time and met Blake, they didn't want to be around children, or teenagers since he was one at that point. Eventually, she gave up on dating, only going against herself when she met Mycroft. Felt attracted to him almost instantly, he made her forget about her past relationships and opened her mind up to thoughts of the future. Actually, the thought of children or marriage hadn't crossed her mind until the shark incident, just the knowledge of her life ending right there. She guessed it sent her desire to be a wife and mother into overdrive. Everything could be over in an instant, life especially. But maybe one day she'll get lucky and have what she wants most, just the thought of her dreams becoming reality was enough to make her feel giddy inside.
Beaming to herself she took the carton of eggs out of the fridge and set them on the counter. Suddenly a feeling of nausea swept over her, she tried to play it off as hunger pains and continued what she was doing, but the moment she cracked one into her mixing bowl her nose filled with the smell of the raw egg, it smelled horrible to her, like it was rotten, but the eggs couldn't be since they were fresh ones. Trying to push down the inevitable urge to vomit she tried to move on with her morning but eventually lost and ran straight for the bathroom, spewing what was left of last nights dinner into the toilet bowl. When it finished she flushed and washed her hands before brushing her teeth. By accident she pushed the toothbrush too far towards her throat and her stomach filled with the feeling of nausea once again, her eyes scrunched closed and she moaned in discomfort but managed fine.
With her toothbrush back in its holder, she opened the medicine cabinet and shuffled through the many bottles of Tylenol and other bottles that were provided by the hotel. Finding a bottle of Emetrol she took off the little plastic cups and poured the correct dosage.

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