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Never in her life has she seen someone so small and adorable. As soon as Y/N laid eyes on that male the world seemed a bit different. She finally found someone to keep her going on with her life.

As a child Y/N never experienced a good childhood, her mother was rich due to her successful acting in movies. She married a rich man who goes by Tomo L/N. He was also a successful actor. Once they brought a child into their world things started to change. Y/N's mother would always be busy, it wasn't because she hated her. She adored her child but didn't have the time to be with her. She left Y/N alone with her abusive father. He would say hurtful things to her. Y/N never understood why her father was like this. Did she do something wrong?

When 10 was ten years old, her parents got into a heated argument. Her father was yelling, the whole neighborhood could possibly hear him.

"You are always leaving me alone with this child!"

The woman glared at her husband, "Why would you say that infront of our daughter!" She yelled. Y/N sat in the couch just watching the two fight. Tears in the corner of her eyes.

"What!? I can say whatever I want infront of this...mistake...no she's not a mistake. She's a regret!" He Shouted. Y/N let all the tears out, why would he say that? Why?

The mother's eyes widened. "Shut up! You don't know that you are saying!"

The husband wrapped his hands around his wife's neck, "You're the one who forced yourself onto me you sicko! That night I just wanted to go home after a long day but you decided to come into my car and just forced things!"

Y/N's mother growled, "I did n-" She was cut off by her husband's grip, it was tightening.

"Gah!" She choked out.

Y/N sat there, shaking I'm fear.  She didn't know what to do... should she help?

Y/N stood up but her mother pulled away from the man. She had an angry look...more like crazy. Her father tried to reach for her, "Come here you stupid bitch!" Her mother looked at him with wide eyes. They were filled with anger and confusion.

Out of no where she went through her pocket to pull out a pistol.

"What the hell are you-"


Before he was able to finish, he was shot through the head.

Y/N stood there.

Her eyes were wide...so wide that her eyeballs could pop out.

"Mom...?" She shakingly says.

Her mother stood there, she looked down at her dead husband's body with a dark glare but with a sweet smile. She had tears streaming down her face.

"It wasn't suppose to end like this..." She whispered.

Y/N walked closer to her mother.


Her mother turned around to face her daughter, she had a smile...

"Y/N...dear...I love you. Your father and I always loved you. When your father and I are gone we want you to be happy no matter what. A way for you to become happy forever is to find someone you love very much. One day you will find that someone...I know I did." She looked at her husband's corpse. "I sacrificed everything for him...even everyone!" She smiled insanely, her gaze went back to Y/N.

"And now...I want you to find that special someone. Someone that is worth to live for." She chuckled.

Y/N stood there with a confused expression.

"M-mama...what do you m-"

"Now...time is up." Her mother held up the gun to her head.

Before she pulled the trigger she smiled at her daughter, the tears returned again, she said...

"I love you."


Yoonbum x Reader X SangwooWhere stories live. Discover now