Aftermath of the meet

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Wow can I just say thank you for reading this it's got nearly 330 reads I am so happy thank you and I I'll try to update more often thank you again for reading this I hope you know that I love you all xxx lots of love Lucy G

So over the course of the next few years you have been helping panic at the disco with some of there writing so that means waking up at stupid uk hours so it would be normal hours in America and vice versa with Brendon but we have finally got a full album that we both wrote and are working on the next one.

Over the time I was working with Brendon he spread the word that I was a song writer and I have wrote some songs with some others people and artists which I fully enjoy I love creating something that someone will love equally as much as do when I am making it I love that aspect of my work it's not just for money it's the enjoyment of it too I love dog writing it puts my emotions on paper it helps my mental state but I put it like it's the artist would so it sound like there doing it that's probably why lots of people go to me as I don't like my name to be publicly known like many other people I like doing it for the fun I meet lots of people that I admire that I love all differently genres of music.

When I first created my first song Brendon asked if I wanted credit on the album but I said no and I came up with the idea of going under a fake name like a nickname or something that's what I do now I love the fact that nobody knows who I am only Brendon and the rest of panic but that's only because Brendon wanted me to meet them and his wife when we became friends it's so that we could keep in contact and that the band know who I am it's so that when I go over there not panicking abort me being in his house yet I have never actually met all of the other artists I work with as I would rather keep it private I don't want anything going out to the public any photos and what not I want to walk across the street and not get followed with fans and cameras like I am famous but I don't want that type of attention on me.

As much as I love being famous I don't want that I don't want my family to know what I do not yet anyway I want to tell them when the times right when I think not when the public wants to talk about me.

There's lots of articles about me and people talking about me on talk shows trying to guess who I am but that's another reason why I like it it's the mystery of it all that hypes all the people fans whatever you want them to be called I don't really call them that there people just like me and you but that not the point anyway me and Brendon have become really good friends over the corse of a few years so when I found out he was my soulmate it through me a bit it confused me a bit to know that we know each other so well that we must clash and be perfect for each other if the universe has chosen to be a perfect couple and that we will last I know that Brendon's married he married the year I met him for the first time but now that I know him and there relationship I don't think there going to last long she changed so much when he became famous I mean he did to but not as much as she did she became someone that doesn't exist from the story's that Brendon's told me she used to be sweet and kind I mean she is still now to agree but it's less noticeable (no shaming Sarah I love her she is kind and beautiful it's for the story so bare with me) to a lot of people Brendon is blind by love that he doesn't realise it I mean I understand him I would love her but that's the old her the one he fell in love with not the one that everyone knows that's what I don't understand but it's all over and it's his decision to choose between me and her.

Lots of love Lucy G ps I love Sarah and I think Brendon and Sarah are an amazing couple

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