Chapter 4

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Just looking at Sean makes my heart ache his confused expression matches mine. "What are you doing here?" I ask him trying to keep my voice calm.

"Phil told me to come here." Sean says still looking confused. He looks at the Toma team to me and then to Dr. Roberts.

"Sean you've made your decision to stay, is that correct?" Dr. Roberts asks.

"Yes that is right." Sean says. His eyes focused on him. I think he's trying not to look at me.

"Well of course you'd need a new team and I've found one that I think needs your expertise. This lot seems to get into trouble too often and getting hurt every which way."

"But where does that leave Sang?" Sean asks.

"Sang needs a new team and she works better with a dog team then a bird team. I know Sang would prefer a dog team as well." Dr. Roberts says. I'm glad he knows this and considered it while picking out a new team for me.

"But we have history it could be a conflict." Sean says.

"Or it could help the entire group. Sean I want to give this team a trial period. Let's do a four month trial time. Do you agree Axel?"

"I do. It doesn't hurt to do a trial period." Mr. Toma says.

"Good. I think your team should take a week or two to situate yourselves into the new team. So I'm going to ask you to take this time off from academy work. Maybe do some team exercises or take a little trip. Get to know each other and build trust. Sean you have this time off as well. No working. I also think it's best you all live a lot closer. Sean are you living in the house?"

I knew he was referring to the house the boys and I shared and picked out when we were still working at Ashley Waters.

"Actually the house is being sold and I'm looking for a place." Sean says briefly looking at me and then looking back to Phil. "I see. Well maybe this will be good. Let me know how things end up with that Sean. I would like a weekly update. I'd love to stick around but I have a surgery. It was good to see you Sang." He turns to me and pulls me into a hug. "You too Dr. Roberts." I say trying to smile.

"Now now. You know to call me Phil. We've known each other long enough to drop the formalities."

"You're right." I say. He was one of the few people I knew almost as long as the boys in the Academy. He said goodbye to everyone else and left quickly.

I turn to the boys that were now going to be my team. The Toma team.

I know my hands are going to start shaking so I put them behind my back and try to look calm and not totally freaking out. "Well Sang welcome to the team." Mr. Toma says he makes his way towards me and holds out a hand for me to shake. Ruining my plan to hide my hands. I gingerly shake his hand and try to smile up at him. His handsome face was intimidating enough. He grins back at me almost making me go weak in the knees.

"Thank you Mr. Toma." I say quickly. Trying not to break my gaze.

"Not every team lead is like Mr. Blackbourne. You can call me Axel." He tells me. Not breaking the grin.

"Oh but she liked to call him that.  In more ways then one." Sean says. The rest of the boys look confused at this remark. I glare at Sean not believing for a second he'd actually say that.

"Shut up Dr Green." I say automatically. He really had to say that in front of my new team? Our new team? What a jerk.

"What sort of "history" do you two have?" I think Brandon asks.

"We used to date." Sean says.

"And Phil thinks this will work out?" Marc asks looking at Axel.

"It's worth a try how about we all meet up at the Sergeant Jasper? And we can discuss this more." Axel offers looking down at me. I can't help but notice Sean's face. His confusion. I nod. "That works for me." I tell him.

"Sean? What about you?" Axel asks.

"That works for me as well. I'll follow you there?" Sean asks.

"Yeah we can do that." Axel says.

"I'll meet you guys there." I say awkwardly.

"I can give you a ride Sang." Sean offers.  Probably trying to make up for his comment.

"I actually got a car yesterday. I'll be OK thanks though " I tell him. Why was this so darn awkward? They ended up parked in the south parking lot. While I parked in the north. Corey offered to walk me to my car. But I insisted I was OK and went it alone.

I couldn't help but think of Sean being rude on the way back to the apartment. Why would he say that in front of my new team? Our new team, I really hope that no one got what he really meant. But I had doubts about that.

Ugh I was even more nervous now then I was before the meeting. My stomach was clenching in nerves. How could Phil think the would work? It was hard enough just getting out of the relationship. But then being thrown into a group with Sean. And guys I don't know. They all seem intimidatingly large as well and I think they are around Sean's age.

I drive back to the Sergent Jasper and see Sean's car but I wasn't sure what the other's car looked like but since Sean followed them I'd assume they were here. But the problem was I didn't know which apartment they were in and I didn't want to have to text Sean and ask.

I step out of my car and make sure I have my phone before locking my car. Should I go back to my apartment? "Sang?" I turn to look at the side doors to see Marc he held the door open as if it would lock if it were shut. "Oh hi." I say awkwardly heading towards him. "Sorry wasn't sure where your apartment was so I was trying to figure out how to find it." I tell him.

"Yeah sorry we figured out that you probably might not know where it was when we got to the apartment. So here I am to show you the way." He flashed a grin and I tried to hide my blush as I walk past him into the door that he now held open for me.

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