... At Open Musics

Start from the beginning

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter. Go on, boss,tell me what else you need, I'm listening," he said in business mode. Work.Just work. You're working.

"Right, um..." Ámbar checked her list again. "...Actually, I think I already told you everythi— Wait, almost forgot. That guy, Michel? He can sing with you guys, no problem."

Simón nodded, glad to hear it. "Perfect." After some seconds without new instructions, he asked, "So... would that be all, boss?"

Ámbar rolled her eyes with a smile. "You don't have to call me boss every single time," she said, amused. But then her smile took a coquettish turn and the look in her eyes grew seductive. "...Unless you have a thing for it?"

Simón raised an eyebrow. Was she insinuating he had a boss kink?

It should've been laughable. He hadn't had many good experiences with previous bosses, la generala being the perfect example of it. But his heart beat faster as he drowned in Ámbar's eyes. She had inched closer, leaning on the counter on her forearms, and he found himself doing the same, as if pulled in by her.

"A thing?" He mused low, as if considering it. "... I don't know, boss. Should I?"

They kept each other's gaze intensely. Simón could see a fire surge in her ocean blue eyes. He had seen that look before, and his heart accelerated as the images flooded his mind. Her gaze moved down to his lips, and her tongue came out to wet her own. The pure gesture almost made him groan, and that was when alarm bells exploded in his brain. 


Rapidly, he took a step back and cleared his throat.

"Well, if you don't need anything else right now, Ámbar..." He said as he moved random food displays on the bar as if he was arranging them, calming his heart and focusing on what was important before he turned to her once more. "Could we perhaps talk a little about the Felipe Mendevilla thing? Please?" Before I lose my mind. "Because I feel like giving Luna a solo performance at the Open isn't enough to make up for what you did."

The guilt of not telling Luna the truth that night had made it hard to sleep. He had just watched as Ámbar made up something to avoid coming clean. Did that count as lying to Luna? He wasn't sure. All he knew is that the sooner Ámbar talked to her the better.

For a second, he thought Ámbar looked disappointed at the change of topic, but she schooled her expression quickly to one of detachment.

"I didn't say it was either," she said pursing her lips.

Simón nodded. At least she knew it wasn't going to be that easy. "Alright. Then, could you please talk to her?" He asked, sounding like a broken record even to his own ears but he couldn't keep on hiding this from Luna forever, she needed to know.

Ámbar grimaced. "Oh no, I can't right now, Simón, I told you. I'm this close to collapsing. I have a ton of things to do, look at this list—"

"Hey, what's up?" Ringed out a voice suddenly. It was Matteo, who was walking towards them with a smile on his face.

Just as he arrived, Ámbar grabbed her stuff from the bar to leave. Before she did, Simón looked at her once more.

"Everything's going to be alright," he assured with a smile.

Ámbar smiled back at him and turned, leaving the cafeteria to keep on preparing everything for the Open.

Matteo watched her leave and then turned to face him with a teasing smile. "Anything going on over here?" He asked, pretty much wiggling his eyebrows at him. Simón scoffed internally.

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