Sam Winchester (Requested)

Start from the beginning

"It's...uh-" Melida starts to stumble out an excuse but Dean moves revealing his machete

"Hunters." interrupts the leader whose attitude quickly shifts with a hissing not only catching the other girls attention but the two men as well

"Huh?" questions the two men in unison who then notice that Dean and Sam now have machetes out causing their eyes to widen

Before two men can leave two of the vampires snap their necks as thoughts of dinner disappear from their minds causing them to fall to the ground causing Dean to glare at the vampires before things got bloody.

Somehow, two of the vampires got away from the savage attacks of the Winchesters that Melida aided some assistance, even if it did go against her better judgment. The fight even though mostly successfully, left both parties bloody, though luckily nobody on the Winchester's side died unlike the other. Dean and Sam both walked away with some bruises plus cuts also with Dean getting a little blood sipped from him. Sam had gotten a black eye and of course, Melida got hurt a little bit due to her supernatural feeling, she was fine. Sadly though one of the two vampires that got away was the leader of the vampires.

Now that the battle is over, Melida sits on a bed in the Winchester's motel room cleaning up Sam's dirty face while Dean is in the bathroom taking care of his bite.

Sam winces as Melida presses the cotton ball with peroxide side onto one of the cuts.

"Sorry." apologizes Melida who forgot from not using peroxide for so long how much it stings

"It's fine, not your fault, besides it getting infected is only going to hurt worse." says Sam with a shrug who is used to this routine

"So how do know get involved with this? How did you become a vampire?" asks Sam changing the subject by finally addressing the elephant in the room

Melida sighs while she runs a hand through her hairs.

"I-It all started when I got to college. I was having a hard time with my roommate and with making friends so I thought joining a sorority would fix those. Which I shouldn't have since we all know sororities are the roots of all evil." starts Melida causing Sam to laugh

"So I got in and everything was going great. I made friends with the president of the sorority, Claire, and some others...which is when things started going downhill. I found out the darker side of them, about them being a nest...of vampire, and it was too late by then to get out. I was in way to deep. Claire ended up turning me and just like that I got sucked into all of this." explains Melida who still couldn't believe that her college experience had this crazy of a story

"I'm sorry th-that happened to you. That's awful." apologies Sam truly believing his words as he places a comforting hand on Melida's knee

"It's fine I've sort of gotten used to being a vampire now. It's not so bad besides the bloodthirst and the whole nest thing." responds Melida

"Speaking of did you get involved in this, all this supernatural stuff?" asks Sam curiously with a raised brow

Melida sighs softly after his question.

"Well when I started college I got this awful roommate and was having some trouble making friends so I joined a sorority. Which was a dumb idea since we know the root of all evil is at a sorority. So when I got in, the president, her name is Sarah, plus her friends and I becomes friends. I didn't notice the signs of them being weird until it was too late. By the time I found out they were vampires, I was in too deep and I got turned." responds Melida being honest

"So...back at the fight when did you seem so scared? You seem quite fearful of those girls but you're friends, right? I know there has to be more to the story, the Melida I knew definitely wasn't a scaredy cat. You wouldn't have been scared if there wasn't a good reason to be. I mean I know sorority girls are crazy but...." says Sam remembering the girl in front of him to be quite fearful

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