Chapter 23-5SOS and Lisa

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"That's cool by us" Luke said.

"Hey, why did you call me from Zayns number?" Calum asked.

"Wait, i thought they didn't know you. When i first introduced you they asked who you were" i was very confused.

"I had on a hood and sunglasses. They couldn't recognize me" he laughed.

"Oh, well the boys broke my phone" i huffed.

"That's unacceptable you need a phone so i can ask for your number" Ashton said and i blushed a deep red.

"Lets go get Lisa a phone" Michael yelled.

"NO" i screamed and they all looked at me confused.

"If you didn't want me having you number you could have said so" Ashton faked hurt.

"No, id love to give you my number. I just don't have any money on me. I don't get paid until the end of the week" i told them and they shrugged.

"We can pay" Calum said.

"Phones cost too much. I will not let you pay so much"

"Lisa, we have more than enough money to buy you things amd it won't even put a dent in our bank accounts" Calum laughed.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" Luke answered.

"Fine" i sighed.

"Good, to the mall we go" Michael said and we all followed him to Calums car.


We got to the mall and went into several shops. They kept buying me clothes. I would be stopping Michael from buying something and Calum, Ashton, and Luke would be in different shops buying things.

We went there only to get me a phone and one outfit each. I told them to get me the IPhone 4 like i originally had but they just had to get me the IPhone 5c. And they bout like 5 outfits each and when i yelled at them for it they told me, and i quote "You can't jist have 4 outfits". They just keep saying it and its driving me crazy.

"You spent at least in the thousands" i grumbled as we entered the house.

"Its cool we usually spend more than that at the mall" Luke said.

"But, I'm probably never going to wear half of this stuff" i argued.

"Too bad" Ashton said and pinched my cheek.

"I told you i was fine with the IPhone 4"

"But, there is such a better version that you could have gotten, so we got it" Ashton pouted.

"Whatever, now show me how to work it" Ashton walked over to me.

"Alright Ash, you stay here with Lisa and we will go and get dinner" Calum said and i nodded.

"So for starters, you need to turn on your phone" he laughed.

"Right.....i knew that" i giggled and waited for it to boot up.

"You know it should work just like the IPhone 4" he told me.

"I gave my last phone to my friend and she got it working for me"

"You are pathetic" he smiled.

"Now but in you email and Itunes password" he said and i shielded my screen from him as i put it in.

"There, now all you have to do is make memories" he smirked.

"I have the first one already" i laughed and jumped into Ashtons lap. I put my face on his and stuck my tongue out doing a silly face, then took the picture.

5 Guys 1 Girl (One Direction)*Editing*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ