Chapter 12-Midnight Nandos trip

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"Oh I'm so sorry Liam i forgot all about you. Hey Gabby this is Liam he's my friend and he's in some boyband" Lisa said.

"Oh that's cool. I'm Gabrielle but please dont call me that call me Gabby" She said and i laughed.

"I used to tell people that only i told them to call me Andy" She laughed at this.

"From Toy Story right?" she asked.

"Yeah" i said back. Sense of humour-check. Disney lover-check.

"Well it was amazing seeing you again, Lisa" Gabby said and Lisa gave her a big hug.

"Yeah it was" Lisa agreed.

"Oh and nice meeting you Liam" She said before walking away.

"WAIT" i yelled after her. She stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"Can i have your number?" i asked she said sure and we exchange numbers.

"Easy there Andy that smile will fall right off" Lisa laughed.

I joined in and we drove back home. When we got in it was about 8:30. So we went straight up and got dressed in our night clothes. I threw on sweats and a T-shirt.

When i came downstairs Lisa was in Nialls lap and Niall was just watching her.

"You know that's stalkerish" i whispered to Niall and he shrugged.

I sat next to Harry and asked him what was wrong.

"She chose Niall tonight" Harry said.

"Oh" was all i said. I feel sorry for the poor lad.

"Welp its getting late. I'm going to go hit the old dusty trail" Louis announced going upstairs.

"You ready?" Niall asked Lisa and she nodded. But when she stood she started wobbling like she was drunk. Niall grabbed her in time and carried her upstairs. Harry huffed and followed. It was now only Zayn and I.

"How bout' we watch a movie?" Zayn suggested

"Ok. Finding Nemo it is" i said. Zayn groaned.

"Didn't we just watch that" he asked.

"Fine. How about Frozen" i said picking up the DVD.

"Maybe i will go to bed" Zayn said getting up and walking upstairs. Whats wrong with Frozen i love that movie. I then got a text

Hey....Liam. Are you busy?-Gabby

I smiled and replied.

Not at all, love. What can i help you with?- Liam

She soon replied.

Can you meet me at Nandos plz-Gabby

Omw now babe.-Liam

After that i got up and grabbed a jacket. I grabbed my keys and left a note for the boys and girl.

5 Guys 1 Girl (One Direction)*Editing*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora