“Thanks,” she murmured before taking a sip. “I needed this.”

“What’s going on?” Louis asked as he sat beside Lou on one side, Liam on her other, and Harry on the floor.

“This past month has been a mess,” she said. “I mean, there was a spike of kids being adopted, which is great and all, but this one case I’ve got, he’s a mess. He’s been with us for a month or so now, he came in right after you guys took Liam, and I kid you not the kid’s a mess.”

“What?” Harry asked with his eyebrow raising in a questioning state.

Lou sighed and pulled out a manila envelope passing it to Louis as she told them. “He’s three years old, and he’s already been through hell and back. His mother, she died in a car crash when he was two and his father committed suicide in front of the kid when he turned three in January. January. Do you know what that means? He wasn’t found until February. He lived alone for almost a month, and there is no logical explanation how he is still alive but he is.

“He found access to food and water wherever he could reach it, but he didn’t know what to do about his father’s- look, it’s morbid.” Lou looked over at Liam who wasn’t really processing anything she was saying, but rather playing with a string on his shirt.

“Okay, that sounds a bit extreme,” Louis said as Harry read the report.

“Wait, he can’t talk?” Harry asked as he peeked up from the report.

“Well, we think he’s gone mute, but we’re not too sure.” Lou looked depressed as she told them the situation and you could tell she was devoted to her job.

“Lou, can you stay here with Liam for a second while my husband and I talk for a moment?” Harry said as he pushed himself off and took Louis’ hand. Lou nodded her head and Louis and Harry made their way into the kitchen to talk.

“What’s the matter?” Louis asked. “Are you having doubts? Because I understand if you are. We’ve barely had Liam for three months. I mean, it’s a bit distressing if you think about it. Also what if-”

“I want to adopt him.”

Harry’s answer knocked Louis off his feet. He couldn’t believe that his husband was agreeing to this, and so quickly.

“Why?” Louis was curious as to why Harry was so keen on adopting.

“He needs a good family and I think that could be us.”

“You think so?”

“Let’s have another kid.”

“Well technically-”

“Don’t ruin the moment Boo,” Harry said as he kissed his husband’s forehead. Louis smiled as they walked back into the room with Lou and Liam. Just by their faces, Lou felt some of the stress fly off of her shoulders.

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