Prince Sirelabus (re-do)

Start from the beginning

Rank: Prince of the Nightwing Tribe (see backstory).


Appearance: Sirelabus is short by nightwing standards, though not particularly short. While he has the usual green-black nightwing eyes, his eyes become a striking royal purple when he uses his powers, and even glow with specs of gold if he continues to use his powers in a strong or frequent manner. About a minute after employing one of his abilities, his eyes become normal.

A cool, reasonable detail.

He has mostly nightwing scales but has tinges of purple here and there. He also has a strangely sharp end on his tail which somewhat secretes a weakened poison. This poison only makes a wound heal slower and doesn't kill the victim.

Normally, this might be a little strange, but his father is literally a combination of all the tribe's abilities, centered into one being. It makes sense that Sirelabus has inherited a trait or two from his father. So I approve.

Sirelabus' small stature does not make him particularly strong, but he can still hold his own in a fight (though he admittedly requires his magic to have a chance of winning most altercations).

GOOD. This whole sentence right here is perfect.

He has a ring on his front right talon. This ring is gold with an amethyst gemstone. Sirelabus also has a slightly more angular face than most nightwings, which looks almost vaguely like a skywing's head structure. However, this is minor enough that Sirelabus still easily passes as a nightwing. Also, Sirelabus had Vampire-like fangs, these fangs serve no purpose, he inherited them from his father

Sounds good.

Furthermore, Sirelabus has a few traits that highlight his otherworldly parentage: his wings are larger and more powerful than a nightwing, which almost seem like the wings of a skywing. He also has an unnatural amount of spikes along his back and spine, at least, a noticeable amount more than a Nightwing might have. He also has a slight strange divet on his neck, the beginning of seawing gills, but not remotely anywhere near functioning ones.

Once again, I approve.

I find that the personality, much alike my view on the abilities, is great and needs no changing. It makes sense and it's well-balanced.


Sirelabus is ultimately passionate and caring for those who have shown him kindness. However Sirelabus has a deep seeded hatred of those who defy him or cause him detriment. Sirelabus is ruthlessly efficient in all he does, while he tries to follow a moral path, he's not remotely afraid to disregard his morals if it means his goals can be accomplished. Much akin to his father, if Sirelabus perceives another individual or issue as a foe or problem, he doesn't just solve the problem momentarily, he goes out of his way to systematically eliminate the problem or individual so they may never rise to hinder him again.

Sirelabus takes a machiavellian approach to things, though with a greater deal of morality than his father. Still, Sirelabus tangles with a dark side. He occasionally has dreams of horrible evils. But all in all, Sirelabus is a kind soul, but with horrible darkness hidden beneath.

When meeting a new individual, Sirelabus is initially less than trusting of them. He frequently probes their mind with his mind reading powers (despite the headache). If he believes them to be trustworthy, he still doesn't reveal much about himself and keeps things businesslike. And he tries to hide his powers from others unless it's absolutely necessary to his purposes.

Around friends, Sirelabus is much kinder and actually unveils his powers to them. He doesn't try to hide anything. But to gain his trust is very difficult.

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