Chapter 12

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No pitching tonight so this is my plan for now!

Aphmau's P.O.V

My heavy eyes lift open to reveal a glimpse of sunlight and a sleeping Katelyn & Lucinda

I unravel the soft blanket from my cold body and stretched

"What time is it?" I ask myself

I check the time on my phone and almost have a heart attack "9:30" it's monday my shift starts at 10:00

quickly grabbing my purse I bolt out the door calling an uber luckily there's one just around the courner It pulls up to the front of the building and I get in quick

"Take me to Willson Apartments" I commanded

I text Luccinda and tell her why I had to leave

A: Sorry I have work soon I had to go

I finish the message and wait about five minutes then we pull up to a tall beutiful building

"Sir can you wait for me to go grab my bag I'll be down in like 2 maybe 3 minutes please" I ask

"sure.." He sighs

I rush up to the apartment sprinting by Garroth the elevator would take to long so I ran up the stairs and into the apartment and into my room grabbing my bag of clothes

as I was about to leave I see Aaron in the kitchen confused looking as he stared at me

"I have work no time to talk Don't you dare even think about showing up!" I blurt out

"O-Ok?" He replies I ran out of the room but I knew he was gonna show up during my shift

When I make my way to the uber I throw myself into the backseat

"Maid cafe now go!" I shout at the poor driver

I check the time "9:45" I have a little bit more time

You might think the city would be more spread out and the apartment would be a little bit further but it was only a 15 minutes uber drive
I get out of the car

"thats about $65 miss"

"um here you go keep the change" I hand him 4 20s and run into the stores restroom to change


I walk out to see a familar pink haired girl sleepily taking orders I walk up to her confused and tap on her shoulder and to my surprise I see Kawaii~Chan turn around

"Kawaii~Chan!? I didn't know you worked at the Maid Cafe" I say shocked

She jumps at my presence

"Aphmau?! I've worked here ever since it opened I didn't know you worked here either!" She sequels pulling me into a hug

"I worked at the one in my old town and they were kind enough to transfer me to this one when they were told I was moving" I say looking over my shoulder to see our boss starring at us

"We should probably get to work" I laugh pointing at our boss

We quickliy contuine taking orders and greeting costumers


As I'm finshing taking an order I hear the front door open and the bell ring *Ding*  I  see a small group of boys walk into the restarunt two of them facing me and the other one has his back to me

I ignore it and drop off the order until I see that group of boys sit at one of my tables

"Shit..." I whisper to myself

"Whats wrong Aphmau?" I hear Kawaii~Chan ask

I leave her with her unanswered question as I approach the table they sat at

"This is her" Aaron says hitting his red messy haired friend

The other one just sat there in what looked like shock staring at me a blue strip of hair almost covering one of his eyes

"What are you doing here?" I ask Aaron

"My friends here just wanted to meet you" He smirks

"No I know why your here you just wanna she me dressed like another one of your hoes" I'm pissed at this point

"Come on Blaze, Ein I'm telling the truth right?"  He asks

I thinking Ein is the one with the Blue strip and the red head is Blaze

Ein was blushing which made me even more mad and Blaze just agreed with whatever came out of Aaron's mouth

"Whatever, now what do you guys what to eat?" I ask rolling my eyes

I take there orders and as I'm about to leave I feel a strong grip grab my waist I'm pulled down into no other then Aaron's lap

"Eek!" I'm startled by the sudden movment 

"Well if you insist" I smirk I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper into his ear

"Not here Not now Now stop I'm not fucking comfortable with this" I whisper and push myself off of his lap and leave him in compelte shock

I go to put in the order

"Hey Kawaii~Chan can you drop this order off to table 8 they've been really flirty with me and I'm not dealing with it?" I ask Kawaii~Chan on her way out of the kitchen

"Of course Aphmau!" She says

"You can have the tip and all I'm sorry" I apologize

"No it's fine the maids will normally help eachother out when things like this happen" She kindly smiles


I finsh my shift I felt really bad about sending K.C out there to do my job but she was fine with it but whenever I walked by the table Aaron just stared at me and so did that Ein guy it was kinda weird

I call an uber to come pick me up then it hits me I still have to go home to him

a car pulling up infront of me interrupted my thoughts I step in

"Hello where are you going?" the man asks

I tell him the apartment location and he begins to drive

around 20 minutes later we park just outside the building and I step out taking a deep breath ready to meet my fate with Aaron

"Hey Aphmau!" A familiar voice calls

I turn to see Garroth Thank Irene

Thats all Love Ya Wolfpack♡♡

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