Chapter 3

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I'm real bored so whats up lets get to work

Aphmau's P.O.V

I jump waking up to seeing the city

"look who finally woke up" a familar voice spoke

"wha- whats going on" I ask recognizing the women

"Aphmau were moving to Phoenix Drop don't you remember?" she asks

"oh sorry Lucinda I forgot" I spoke giggling

"yeah yeah whatever it's 3:00 what time do you have to move in with Mr.Flirty?" she asks

"Lucinda!" I laugh at her joke

"I've been told 6:00 I think we might be going for dinner after I get my boxes in" I say still laughing at her joke

"alright lets find me a hotel and a relator so I'm not living in a piece of shit like the old place with Ivan" she says

"ok sounds like a pla-" I get cut off by a phone call

*Bring Bring Bring*

I pick up the ringing phone it's Lucinda's and guess whos calling the one and only Ivan

"who is it?" she asks me

"Do you really want to know?" I ask unsure

"Don't tell me its him isn't it?" she groans

"It is what do you want me to do?"

"Put him on speaker" she says with anger in her voice

I=Ivan   L=Lucinda   A=Aphmau

I: Lucy where are you!

L: Not there thats for sure

I: baby c'mon where are you

A: Ivan leave her alone she has no desire to talk to you

I: Aphmau?! whats going on?

L : none of your concern except the fact your single now

I: Lucinda get you fuc-

he's cut off by Aphmau hanging up

"been waiting to do that for a year" she speaks with joy in her voice

"well you got your wish" I say

right then we pass a line of hotels

"thats what I need for now" Lucinda said

"turn around we can find a nice hotel get you settled in it find a relator who can help you soon and quick and get me dropped off"

"will do!" she says

Time skip to after they finish their list of stuff

"you ready to go say hey to Aaron" Lucinda sang

"I guess" I groan

we get in her car and about 10 minutes later we pull up to a large building

"this is it" Lucinda announced

she hands me my 3 boxes thats all I need everythings already furnished besides the room I'll be living in

I walk into the apartment building the boxes aren't too heavy but enough for me to struggle a blond man with blue eyes comes up to me

"hello there ms can I help you with those boxes of yours" he sorta has a goofy voice but I don't say anything about that

"yes please, and can you help me get to floor 5?" I ask him

"of course follow me" we step into an elevator

"my names Garroth yours?" he asks

"it's Aphmau do you live here?"

"why yes I do why are here exactly I've never seen you around here?" he ask me

"I'm moving in with a man named Aaron Lycan have you ever heard of him?" I say giving a question right back to him

"sweetheart your so pretty come live with me instead he will destory you"he says sorrow in his voice

"I'm sorry but I can't I already told him I'd be there" I reply

*ding* we arrive at the floor he hands me a small piece of of paper on it his number what the- this guy just carries around a slip of paper with his number on it??

"call me if he hurts you" he speaks handing me my boxes he waves bye stepping into the elevator again I began walking up and down the hall way then I hear yelling

"You Said You Love Me Is It All Just A Lie!"a angered and crying woman screams I walk up to the room with the fighting inside it the reads 315

"just my luck" I mumble

just then the door swings open and a girl with tears in her eyes runs out of the room knocking my down a black haired and dark eye man walks up to me

"my names Aaron Lycan you must be my new roommate" he says with a smirk I quickly stand up grabbing the boxes

"my names Aphmau" I say with a smile wanting desperately to ask about the woman but I don't dare say a word about it he invites me in and shows me my room I place my boxes down and as I'm about to turn around and ask him where the restroom is he speaks

"Do you remember who I am from... Highschool?"he asks

"um... yeah actually I saw you around but we never really talked" I reply

"well why don't we get to know eachother now" he said getting closer to me he grabs my chin and tilts it up to him

I look him dead in the eyes "you know maybe later we can talk but I need to unpack sorry" a little annoyed I knew what he was going to do I wasn't like that though I didn't know him yet at least not enough he had seemed shoocked at my words

"alright... just tell me when your ready" he smirks and slips out of the room

about an hour or so later I had finshed unpacking the room I lay down on my bed I check the clock 7:30 it's so early but the bed is so comfortable and I slip into sleep

I'm noticing so far every chapters ends with her asleep so night my wolf pack love ya♡♡ 

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