Chapter 8

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Hey! just wanna say thank you so much for over 100 reads!! and also sorry for not uploading Im trying figure out a good sechudale that will normally work with me

Garroth's P.O.V

During the bet she only blushed at Aaron why is that in fact now that I think of it she really only blushes at Aaron which makes it obvious she likes him, how can I stop that He'll just break her... Luarence He'll help me or himself I haven't seen him look at somone like that since well Nicole but Aaron took her and broke her years ago as well. I thought maybe Laurence would go for Lucinda but he seems to have a thing for Aphmau so I need help with this plan that... I haven't came up with yet great

"Hey Luarence wanna go on a walk" I call him away from his conversation with Aphmau he looks really mad

"Uhh S-sure Garroth" Luarence shouts back

Luarence jogs over to me and we begin to walk it's complete silence I decide to break it and cut to the case

"You like Aphmau don't you?" I ask

red hits his face really hard

"W-what N-no" Luarence mumbles looking down at his feet

"So you do great-" He cuts me off

"I Never Said That!" He quickly shouts at me

I give him the look that you give someone when you know they're lying

"Fine I guess I like her but theres no point Aaron seems into her and not like his usual player self he's into her, Lucinda says he's liked her since high school" Luarence says disappointed

My eyes widen looking straight ahead at the sandy beach whatever Aaron wants he gets but I'm not giving up on Aphmau he can't always win right?

"We need a plan on how to crack that relationship between them if we leave it alone it'll just get stonger" I say determined

Just then we see a blue haired boy flirting with girls and failing repeatedly, Me and Luarence look at eachother

"Perfect" I whisper under my breath

I run up to him

"Hello sir how would you like to kiss a fine young lady" I say in my best salesman voice

"Of course where do I sign up?!" He asks excited

"no need to sign up but make it look real ok names Garroth by the way whats yours?" I ask I can't like her kiss a complete stranger I need to at least know his name

"Dante, now tell me a little bit more about this job" Dante says interested 


Aphmau's P.O.V

Aaron and I go to get some snacks turns out we only brought drinks and everything else you need for the beach except snacks!

We head to Garroth's car he left his keys on the cooler with just Drinks in it! and since he was on his walk Aaron and I just decided to go ahead and go to the store  I glimpse at him quickly as he turns the key in the ignition my face only turning a light shade of pink I think I might like him he can always make me laugh and can really make me blush more then anyone I have ever even had the slightest crush on to the people I've had the biggest crushes on, I wonder if he feels the same probably not though

On the way to store we talk about what we think about the group we were spending the day with

"I think their really nice people and maybe we should hang around them more often" I say

"Really I think almost the same but theres something about thoose Garroth and Luarence guys that you should probaly know they like you a lot"Aaron says

"W-what makes you think that?!" I ask surprised

"They both picked you for the bet and seemed really mad when they lost" He said

"Wait what bet?" I ask

"Oh darn it you weren't supposed to know Haha, so there was a bet we made on the beach all the boys choose a girl and if they could her to blush they got five dollars" He says a smirk approaching his face

"And who did all the guys choose?" I ask getting really interested now

We pulling into a parking spot outside the store not getting out of the car yet

"Garroth and Luarence choose you failing, Zane picked Kawaii~Chan succeeding, and Travis picked Katelyn succeeding" Aaron says

"And you?" I ask extremely courious

He leans closer to me looking me in my eyes

"Let's just say I didn't fail" Aaron says catching my lips with his, the seeming to be an inoccent kiss turns into a full out makeout session


We return to the beach with a few grocery bags and everytime Aaron or I simply just glimpse at eachother our faces become red

"What happend between you to?" Katelyn asks me as we were sitting by the shore of the water

"N-nothing happend" I say trying my best not to make eye contact

"He kissed you didn't he?" she asks

"wha how did you know?" I ask surprised

"wait really I was joking" Her eyes wide

"uhh" I can't speak Katelyn seems really protective and she just found out about this kiss

"Don't worry Aphmau I won't tell anyone I promise" she says giving me a kind smile

"Thank you" I smile back

done thanks again for 100 reads it means a lot! I haven't really been having the best day and I'm writing this at 11:00 at night so sorry if it's not the best but have a nice day/night love ya wolfpack ♡♡

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