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Now being by themselves Ariana , Christy and Naveah had to fend for themselves they had no knowledge of anything they lack the type of intelligence everyone else had being they dropped out of school Ariana dropped out in high school while Christy and Naveah dropped out in Middle school it didn't really bother them because they didn't like school anyways. They lost their father when they was fairly young leaving just their mother to care for them whilst they grieved no one seemed to care. One day Ariana got sick of living the way she was and decided to take action she took her two sisters and left not leaving one note or anything as to where they was or what they she was planning to do Ariana and Christy took on a job so they can get a little old beat shack that had roaches and rats in the roof hey what do you expect paying only 400 dollars a month for it it was decent enough for them not to be on the streets and cold. Naveah was the baby she didn't really need to work she was still getting a check that their father had left them being that Christy and Arianna was older than 18 they didn't get it. One day when Ariana and Christy was working they had walked in their home and saw that Naveah was in the living room watching TV passed out asleep Ariana woke her brought her to her room. As Ariana and Christy was undressing and getting comfortable they heard shots ring out really close to their house they both ran into Naveah's room and Ducked under neath the bed. The shots went on for at least 15 mins then they heard a loud boom noise coming from inside their house. They was so scared they didn't know what to do so they called their brother but got no answer Ariana took it upon herself to go see what it was and it was.....

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