No you're not ok husna, let's go to the hospital...he quickly said holding her shoulders. They started walking out of the room but she shouted her knees touching the ground tears streaming down her cheeks.

Help me, please, ya allah, mami...she screamed closing her eyes tightly as tears continued to flow.
Mahbub quickly lifted her up in a bridal way and rushed to his car.

Me Gadi, me gadi...mahbub shouted running to his car with husna still screaming and calling her mami's name.

Bode mun kofar nan, yi sauri...he yelled his eyes red already. Baba me gadi quickly open the front door and mahbub dropped husna before running to the other side.

Maza bude mun gate din, yi sauri....he shouted and baba me gadi did what he was told in a rush.
Mahbub quickly zoomed out of the house in a high speed turning to crying husna time to time telling her to pray and everything would be fine.

They reached the hospital shortly and 2 nurses rushed to him with a wheelchair placing husna on it. He held her hands tightly as they were pushing her to the labour room.
Keep praying husna, keep praying please....he told her his heart pounding.

You can't go inside sir, you'll have to wait of the nurses said before pushing husna into the labour room.
Mahbub sat on a chair opposite the room pulling his hair in frustration husna's screams lingering into his ears.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and called Hajiya hindu before calling Hajiya Sabrina.
They arrived shortly with some of the baby's clothes inside a small bag.

How's she? Hajiya hindu asked worriedly.
I don't know, they haven't said anything yet...mahbub replied pacing back and forth.

Zahra walked to him and dragged him to an empty seat.
You have to be strong mahbub, she'll be fine..zahra said patting his back gently.

I don't want to lose her zahra, not when I've started liking her, she's the only person that can replace Asma...he muttered pulling his hair .

You won't lose her mahbub, she's a woman, she's just giving birth, just pray for her, this pacing back and forth of yours won't help anything...she explains and he pulled her into a tight hug and a tear slipped from his eyes.

I just hope they'll be fine...the baby too...he whispered while zahra just muttered "insha Allah"

It has been 30minutes after he sat down when a nurse came rushing out of the labour room,with a white uniform all stained with blood.

Nurse...mahbub called her and quickly rushed to her.
How's she doing? He asked his voice almost inaudible due to the fear of what her reply would be.

Why are the baby's clothes please? She asked instead.

"Here" zahra said quickly handing her the baby bag.
How's she? Has she given birth? Mami asked her voice laced with so much emotions.

Just be patient please...the nurse said collecting the bag and dashing back into the labour room.

Mahbub huffed pulling his hair in frustration. He couldn't sit down his heart beat increasing with each passing second. He kept muttering prayers.
Be patient mahbub, she'll be fine...Amor said placing her hand on his shoulder while he just nodded slightly.

20minutes later, a nurse came smiling widely at them.
Congratulations sir, you're now a dad...

Mahbub gasped while the parents raised their hands up thanking Allah for the wonderful gift. Words couldn't explain how happy zahra was, she literally jumped.

And the mother is healthy, safe and sound...she's so strong....the nurse added with a smile and a single tear rolled over to mahbub's face.

Allahu akbar...he says facing the Qibla before gently placing his forehead on the ground. He was still in the same position for 5 minutes before he stood up.

Can we see them? Zahra asked eagerly.

Yes sure...the nurse answered with a smile before making her way back into the room and they all quickly followed her. As soon as they were inside the room,mahbub's eyes fell on his husna while all of them rushed to the cradle where the baby was. His wife to be, the mother of his children, his happiness.

He sat beside her on the bed and took her pale hands into his before kissing it lightly.
"Not your wife yet" she whispers and he laughs dryly.
"Doesn't matter, you're the mother of my baby and would be my wife in the next 40 days" he says and she smiles.

Thank you so much husna...he whispered and she smiled and tightened up the grip on his hand.

I want to see the baby...she whispered to him and he quickly told zahra to bring the baby and so she did.

Mami and amor hugged husna congratulating her before and she smiled softly.

She looks too cute and exactly like her and Asma that husna didn't know when she started crying

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She looks too cute and exactly like her and Asma that husna didn't know when she started crying.

What's wrong? Mahbub asked wiping her tears away with his hand.

I'm just...I'm just so happy, and she's so cute...she muttered and he smiles.
The baby looks exactly like husna with only mahbub's complexion.

Mahbub called the adhan in the baby's ear before shoving the date and he chewed into her mouth with a smile on his face.

What's my baby's name? Zahra asked grinning from ear to ear.
He looked at husna then the baby then back to zahra before saying "Asmau"

Husna bursts into tears remembering her sister, she'd been thinking of naming her daughter Asmau and she's glad mahbub did that even before she asked for it.

Husna lafiya? Mami asked walking close to her.
I just love my baby, Asma...she smiled with tears in her eyes.

Hajiya hindu hugged her before muttering Allah ya raya mun Asmau na...trying hard to push her own tears. She missed her daughter!

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