Chapter 20

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After 3 weeks......

His head was spinning ferociously as he tried to sit up in his bed. He must have been sweating as his clothes stuck to his lithe body. He felt his forehead which felt as if it had been boiled life a kettle, he half expected steam to start sprouting from his ears.

"God"-he exclaimed as he held his pounding head in his hand. Amor, zahra and boss rushed to him. Amor sitting by his right, boss by his left and zahra between his legs as she strokes his cheeks looking at the pain inside her brother's eyes.

He needed to get up, at least to grab some pain killers for his aching head, body and most especially his heart, but his vision was blurry and he could hardly move with his aching limbs and heart.

Just calm down hun, tell me what you want I'll get it for you...sabrina calmly said holding his right arm firmly.

Just then, the pictures, memories, husna's face telling him his Asma is dead appeared to him and he quickly shoot his eyes tightly closing his ears with his hands his body shaking.
Sabrina gasped tears forming in her eyes as she hugged her son tightly.

Just calm down mahbub, please, it's not the end of the world...Eng mahmud whispered to him all in attempt to calm his shaking body and his trembling lips while zahra was already on the floor crying her eyes out, she hates seeing her only brother in pain, she couldn't bare it.

I hate her amor...I...hate....her and I'll never forgive her...he gritted and surprisingly, they saw tears in his eyes before his body went limp and his breathing stabilized.

Sabrina wiped his tears and silently dropped him on the bed before dragging the blanket to his body covering him all.
Alhamdulillah! Nobody should wake him please, he needs to rest...Eng mahbub said dragging Sabrina and crying zahra out of the room.

He'd been like that for 3 weeks now, he doesn't eat anything except coffee, that's once a day. He'd lose a lot of weight and become a shade of dark. Whenever he wakes up, he'll start shaking closing his eyes and ears muttering "I hate her" before going into a big slumber, but today's case is different, since he cried!
Ok that day, lathif was the one by the door st the hospital. He confirmed to them that Asmau was really dead because the accident occurred right before him and the car had burned to aches with the driver and Asmau inside, and there's nothing life dead bodies there only the ashes.

Husna fainted that moment and didn't wake up till after 5 days. Hajiya hindu was depressed, ashamed of husna and blaming herself for everything.

Husna was feeling so dejected and depressed, looking at mami brought this pain and pang to her already pained and shattered heart. Her mami and Asmau had been her everything right from birth, she never imagined a day like that, loosing Asma and now her mami not talking.

Husna... Gen omar called softly looking at her.

Stop crying my child, it's painful, do you want to make this house a crying kingdom, it's been 2 weeks now and you guys are still like this, do you want me to go mad? He spoke softly looking at husna then back to his wife.

Daddy I'm crying over many things, I feel like I'm going to die soon, it hurts so much....she choked on her tears looking at her daddy.

I understand what you're feeling husna, this your faith, Allah planed everything and he cannot burden a soul more than it can bare, just keep praying my dare, everything would be fine... he stood up walking towards her placing a light kiss on her forehead.

She's gone, forever...and ever....she whispered looking at Gen omar.
He hugged her tightly and a sob escaped from Hajiya Hindu's mouth.

Why Asmau? Why? Because of a man...she shouted tears streaming down her cheeks. Gen omar and husna rushes to her her engulfing her into a tight hug and for the first time within the last 3 weeks, Hajiya hindu didn't push husna, instead, she clutched her into her body tightly crying.

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